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Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3 Second Edition
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Chapter 1. The Essentials of Responsive Web Design
Beginning our quest
Defining responsive web design
Setting browser support levels
Our first responsive example
The shortcomings of our example
Chapter 2. Media Queries – Supporting Differing Viewports
Why media queries are needed for a responsive web design
Media query syntax
Combining media queries
Using media queries to alter a design
Considerations for organizing and authoring media queries
Combine media queries or write them where it suits?
The viewport meta tag
Media Queries Level 4
Chapter 3. Fluid Layouts and Responsive Images
Converting a fixed pixel design to a fluid proportional layout
Introducing Flexbox
Getting Flexy
Responsive images
Chapter 4. HTML5 for Responsive Web Designs
HTML5 markup – understood by all modern browsers
Starting an HTML5 page the right way
Easy-going HTML5
New semantic elements in HTML5
HTML5 text-level semantics
Obsolete HTML features
Putting HTML5 elements to use
WCAG and WAI-ARIA for more accessible web applications
Embedding media in HTML5
Responsive HTML5 video and iFrames
A note about 'offline first'
Chapter 5. CSS3 – Selectors Typography Color Modes and New Features
No one knows it all
Anatomy of a CSS rule
Quick and useful CSS tricks
Word wrapping
Facilitating feature forks in CSS
New CSS3 selectors and how to use them
CSS3 structural pseudo-classes
CSS custom properties and variables
CSS calc
CSS Level 4 selectors
Web typography
New CSS3 color formats and alpha transparency
Chapter 6. Stunning Aesthetics with CSS3
Text shadows with CSS3
Box shadows
Background gradients
Repeating gradients
Background gradient patterns
Multiple background images
High-resolution background images
CSS filters
A warning on CSS performance
Chapter 7. Using SVGs for Resolution Independence
A brief history of SVG
The graphic that is a document
Creating SVGs with popular image editing packages and services
Inserting SVGs into your web pages
Inserting an SVG inline
What you can do with each SVG insertion method (inline object background-image and img)
Extra SVG capabilities and oddities
Animating SVG with JavaScript
Optimising SVGs
Using SVGs as filters
A note on media queries inside SVGs
Chapter 8. Transitions Transformations and Animations
What CSS3 transitions are and how we can use them
CSS3 2D transforms
CSS3 3D transformations
Animating with CSS3
Chapter 9. Conquer Forms with HTML5 and CSS3
HTML5 forms
Understanding the component parts of HTML5 forms
HTML5 input types
How to polyfill non-supporting browsers
Styling HTML5 forms with CSS3