Abbreviations in the text
COSPAS(俄)-SARSAT(near polar-orbiting search and rescue satellite system)n. 近极轨道搜救卫星系统
DSC(digital selective calling)n. 数字选择性呼叫
EPIRB(emergency position indicating radio beacon)n. 应急无线电示位标
GHz(giga hertz)n. 千兆赫
GMDSS(global maritime distress and safety system)n. 全球海上遇险及安全系统
HF(high frequency)n. 高频
IMO(international maritime organization)n. 国际海事组织
INMARSAT(international maritime satellite organization)国际海事卫星组织;(international mobile satellite organization)国际移动卫星组织
kHz(kilo hertz)n. 千赫
MF(medium frequency)n. 中频
MHz(mega hertz)n. 兆赫
MSI(maritime safety information)n. 海上安全信息
NBDP(narrow band direct printing)n. 窄带直接印字电报
SAR(search and rescue)n. 搜救
SES(ship earth station)n. 船舶地球站
SOLAS(safety of life at sea)n. 海上人命安全公约
VHF(very high frequency)n. 甚高频