That day Sylvester 'phoned, asking Captain Elisha to come to his office on a matter of business. When, having done so, the captain, returning, alighted at his home station, he was surprised to see Pearson standing on the platform.
"Why, hello, Jim!" he exclaimed. "What are you doing here? Just come, have you?"His friend shook his head. "No, Captain Warren," he said; "I'm just going.""Goin'? What for? Been up to the house, of course? Caroline told you where I'd gone and that I was cal'latin' to hurry back, didn't she?""Yes."
"Well, then, course you ain't goin'! You're goin' to stay to dinner. I've got some things to tell you about that life-savin'
station cruise. I've been thinkin' that I know the cap'n and most of the crew on the lightship off back of the Point. How'd you like to go aboard of her? You could get some yarns from those fellers that might be wuth hearin'.""I have no doubt I should. But I'm afraid I can't go. The fact is, Captain, I've decided not to spend Thanksgiving with you, after all.""Hey?" Captain Elisha could scarcely believe he had heard correctly.
"You can't go--to South Denboro?"
"Why not, for the land sakes?"
"Well, I've decided--I've decided not to."
"But, Jim! Why, I can't have it so! I'm dreadful disappointed.
I've counted on your goin'. So has Abbie. She's read your book, and she says she's crazy to see the feller that wrote it. She's told the minister and a whole lot more, and they're all comin' in to look at you. 'Tain't often we have a celebrated character in our town. You've GOT to go.""Thank you, Captain. I appreciate the invitation and your kindness, but," with decision, "I can't accept.""Can't you come later? Say Thanksgivin' mornin'? Or even the day after?""No."
"But why not? What's the matter with you all of a sudden? Come here! let me look at you."He took the young man by the arm and led him, almost by main strength, close to the lighted window of the station. It was late, and the afternoon was gloomy. Here, by the lamplight streaming through the window, he could see his face more clearly. He looked at it.
"Humph!" he grunted, after a moment's scrutiny. "You've made up your mind; I can see that. Have you told Caroline? Does she know?""Yes. You'll have to excuse me, Captain Warren; my train is coming.""What did she say?"
Pearson smiled, but there was little mirth in the smile. "I think she agrees with me that it is best," he observed.
"Humph! She does, hey? I want to know! Look here, Jim! have you and she--"He got no further, for Pearson broke away, and, with a hurried "Good night," strode up the platform to meet the city-bound train.
Captain Elisha watched it go and then walked slowly homeward, his hands in his pockets, troubled and wondering.
He entered the house by the back door, a remnant of South Denboro habit, and found Annie in the kitchen.
"Where's Caroline?" he asked.
"She's in the living room, sir, I think. Mr. Pearson has been here and just gone.""Um-hm. So I heard. Say, Annie, you needn't hurry dinner; I ain't ready for it yet awhile."He hung his coat and hat in the back hall and quietly entered the living room. The lamp was not lighted, and the room was dark, but he saw his niece, a shadowy figure, seated by the window. He crossed to her side.
"Well, Caroline," he said, cheerfully, "I'm home again."She turned. "I see you are," she answered.
"Humph! your eyes must be better than mine then. I can't see anything in here. It's darker than a nigger's pocket. Suppose we turn on the glim."He struck a match as he said it. By its light he saw her face.
The match burned down to his finger tips and then he extinguished it.
"I don't know but the dark is just as good and more economical," he observed. "No use of encouragin' the graspin' ile trust unless it's necessary. Let's you and me sit here in the dark and talk.
No objection to talkin' to your back country relation, have you?""No."
"That's good. Well, Caroline, I'm goin' to talk plain again. You can order me to close my hatch any time you feel like it; that's skipper's privilege, and you're boss of this craft, you know.
Dearie, I just met Jim Pearson. He tells me he's decided not to go on this Cape cruise of ours. He said you agreed with him 'twas best he shouldn't go. Do you mind tellin' me why?"She did not answer. He waited a minute and then continued.
"Course, I know I ain't got any real right to ask," he went on;"but I think more of you and Jim than I do of anybody else, and so maybe you'll excuse me. Have you and he had a fallin' out?"Still she was silent. He sighed. "Well," he observed, "I see you have, and I don't blame you for not wantin' to talk about it. I'm awful sorry. I'd begun to hope that . . . However, we'll change the subject. Or we won't talk at all, if you'd rather not."Another pause. Then she laid her hand on his.
"Uncle," she said, "you know I always want to talk to you. And, as for the right to ask, you have the right to ask anything of me at any time. And I should have told you, of my own accord, by and by.
Mr. Pearson and I have not quarreled; but I think--I think it best that I should not see him again.""You do? Not see him--any more--at all? Why, Caroline!""Not for a long, long time, at least. It would only make it harder--for him; and it's of no use."
Captain Elisha sighed again. "I guess I understand, Caroline. Ipresume likely I do. He--he asked somethin' of you--and you couldn't say yes to him. That was it, I suppose. Needn't tell me unless you really want to, you understand," he added, hastily.
"But I do. I ought to tell you. I should have told you before, and perhaps, if I had, he would not have . . . Uncle Elisha, Mr.
Pearson asked me to be his wife."
The captain gave no evidence of surprise.