第142章 CCLIII
Right well they strike, both Franks and Arrabies, Breaking the shafts of all their burnished spears.
Whoso had seen that shattering of shields, Whoso had heard those shining hauberks creak, And heard those shields on iron helmets beat, Whoso had seen fall down those chevaliers, And heard men groan, dying upon that field, Some memory of bitter pains might keep.
That battle is most hard to endure, indeed.
And the admiral calls upon Apollin And Tervagan and Mahum, prays and speaks:
"My lords and gods, I've done you much service;Your images, in gold I'll fashion each;
Against Carlun give me your warranty!"
Comes before him his dear friend Gemalfin, Evil the news he brings to him and speaks:
"Sir Baliganz, this day in shame you're steeped;For you have lost your son, even Malprime;And Canabeus, your brother, slain is he.
Fairly two Franks have got the victory;
That Emperour was one, as I have seen;
Great limbs he has, he's every way Marquis, White is his beard as flowers in April."That admiral has bent his head down deep, And thereafter lowers his face and weeps, Fain would he die at once, so great his grief;He calls to him Jangleu from over sea.