He loved his father with a depth of feeling that made between the two a real camaraderie, despite great differences in temperament.
In that simple and sincere regard which he bore for his father, the boy revealed a heart ready for love, willing to give of itself its best for the one beloved.Beyond that, as yet, there was little to be said of him with exactness.He was a spoiled child of fortune, if you wish to have it so.Certainly, he was only a drone in the world's hive.Thus far, he had enjoyed the good things of life, without ever doing aught to deserve them by contributing in return--save by his smiles and his genial air of happiness.
In the twenty-three years of his life, every gift that money could lavish had been his.If the sum total of benefit was small, at least there remained the consoling fact that the harm was even less.Luxury had not sapped the strength of him.He had not grown vicious, as have so many of his fellows among the sons of the rich.Some instinct held him aloof from the grosser vices.His were the trifling faults that had their origin chiefly in the joy of life, which manifest occasionally in riotous extravagancies, of a sort actually to harm none, however absurd and useless they may be.
So much one might see by a glance into the face.He was well groomed, of course; healthy, all a-tingle with vitality.And in the clear eyes, which avoided no man's gaze, nor sought any woman's unseemly, there showed a soul untainted, not yet developed, not yet debased.Through all his days, Dick Gilder had walked gladly, in the content that springs to the call of one possessed of a capacity for enjoyment; possessed, too, of every means for the gratification of desire.As yet, the man of him was unrevealed in its integrity.No test had been put upon him.
The fires of suffering had not tried the dross of him.What real worth might lie under this sunny surface the future must determine.There showed now only this one significant fact:
that, in the first moment of his return from journeyings abroad, he sought his father with all eagerness, and was sorely grieved because the meeting must still be delayed.It was a little thing, perhaps.Yet, it was capable of meaning much concerning the nature of the lad.It revealed surely a tender heart, one responsive to a pure love.And to one of his class, there are many forces ever present to atrophy such simple, wholesome power of loving.The ability to love cleanly and absolutely is the supreme virtue.
Sarah explained that Mr.Gilder had been called to the Court of General Sessions by the judge.
Dick interrupted her with a gust of laughter.
"What's Dad been doing now?" he demanded, his eyes twinkling.
Then, a reminiscent grin shaped itself on his lips."Remember the time that fresh cop arrested him for speeding? Wasn't he wild? I thought he would have the whole police force discharged." He smiled again."The trouble is," he declared sedately, "that sort of thing requires practice.Now, when I'm arrested for speeding, I'm not in the least flustered--oh, not a little bit! But poor Dad! That one experience of his almost soured his whole life.It was near the death of him--also, of the city's finest."By this time, the secretary had regained her usual poise, which had been somewhat disturbed by the irruption of the young man.