第14章 Our Angel Boy(6)
"'Twa'n't no time at all 'til he was chokin'an'burnin'red with fever,an'his pa and me,stout as we be,couldn't hold him down nor keep him kivered.He was speechifyin'to beat anythin'you ever heard.His pa said he was repeatin'what he'd heard said by every big stump speaker from Greeley to Logan.When he got so hoarse we couldn't tell what he said any more,he jest mouthed it,an'at last he dropped back and laid like he was pinned to the sheets,an'I thought he was restin',but 'twa'n't an hour 'til he was gone."Suddenly Mrs.Freshett lifted her apron,covered her face and sobbed until her broad shoulders shook.
"Oh you poor soul!"said my mother."I'm so sorry for you!""I never knowed he was a-goin'until he was gone,"she said."He was the only one of mine I ever lost,an'I thought it would jest lay me out.I couldn't 'a'stood it at all if I hadn't 'a'
knowed he was saved.I well know my Henry went straight to Heaven.Why Miss Stanton,he riz right up in bed at the last,and clear and strong he jest yelled it:`Hurrah fur Grant!'"My mother's fingers tightened in my hair until I thought she would pull out a lot,and I could feel her knees stiffen.Leon just whooped.Mother sprang up and ran to the door.
"Leon!"she cried.Then there was a slam."What in the world is the matter?"she asked.
"Stepped out of the tub right on the soap,and it threw me down,"explained Leon.
"For mercy sake,be careful!"said my mother,and shut the door.
It wasn't a minute before the knob turned and it opened again a little.
I never saw mother's face look so queer,but at last she said softly:"You were thinking of the grave cover for him?""Yes,but I wanted to ask you before I bound myself.I heard you lost two when the scarlet fever was ragin'an'I'm goin'to do jest what you do.If you have kivers,I will.If you don't like them when you see how bright and shiny they are,I won't get any either.""I can tell you without seeing them,Mrs.Freshett,"said my mother,wrapping a strand of hair around the tin so tight I slipped up my fingers to feel whether my neck wasn't like a buck-eye hull looks,and it was."I don't want any cover for the graves of my dead but grass and flowers,and sky and clouds.Ilike the rain to fall on them,and the sun to shine,so that the grass and flowers will grow.If you are satisfied that the soul of Henry is safe in Heaven,that is all that is necessary.
Laying a slab of iron on top of earth six feet above his body will make no difference to him.If he is singing with the angels,by all means save your money for the organ.""I don't know about the singin',but I'd stake my last red cent he's still hollerin'fur Grant.I was kind o'took with the idea;the things was so shiny and scilloped at the edges,peered like it was payin'considerable respect to the dead to kiver them that-a-way.""What good would it do?"asked mother."The sun shining on the iron would make it so hot it would burn any flower you tried to plant in the opening;the water couldn't reach the roots,and all that fell on the slab would run off and make it that much wetter at the edges.The iron would soon rust and grow dreadfully ugly lying under winter snow.There is nothing at all in it,save a method to work on the feelings of the living,and get them to pay their money for something that wouldn't affect their dead a particle.""'Twould be a poor idea for me,"said Mrs.Freshett."I said to the men that I wanted to honour Henry all I could,but with my bulk,I'd hev all I could do,come Jedgment Day,to bust my box,an'heave up the clods,without havin'to hist up a piece of iron an'klim from under it."Mother stiffened and Leon slipped again.He could have more accidents than any boy I ever knew.But it was only a few minutes until he came to mother and gave her a Bible to mark the verses he had to learn to recite at Sunday-school next day.
Mother couldn't take the time when she had company,so she asked if he weren't big enough to pick out ten proper verses and learn them by himself,and he said of course he was.He took his Bible and he and May and I sat on the back steps and studied our verses.He and May were so big they had ten;but I had only two,and mine were not very long.Leon giggled half the time he was studying.I haven't found anything so very funny in the Bible.
Every few minutes he would whisper to himself:"THAT'S A GOODONE!"
He took the book and heard May do hers until she had them perfectly,then he went and sat on the back fence with his book and studied as I never before had seen him.Mrs.Freshett stayed so long mother had no time to hear him,but he told her he had them all learned so he could repeat them without a mistake.
Next morning mother was busy,so she had no time then.Father,Shelley,and I rode on the front seat,mother,May,and Sally on the back,while the boys started early and walked.
When we reached the top of the hill,the road was lined with carriages,wagons,spring wagons,and saddle horses.Father found a place for our team and we went down the walk between the hitching rack and the cemetery fence.Mother opened the gate and knelt beside two small graves covered with grass,shaded by yellow rose bushes,and marked with little white stones.She laid some flowers on each and wiped the dust from the carved letters with her handkerchief.The little sisters who had scarlet fever and whooping cough lay there.Mother was still a minute and then she said softly:"`The Lord has given and the Lord has taken away.Blessed be the name of the Lord.'"She was very pale when she came to us,but her eyes were bright and she smiled as she put her arms around as many of us as she could reach.
"What a beautiful horse!"said Sally."Look at that saddle and bridle!The Pryor girl is here.""Why should she come?"asked Shelley.
"To show her fine clothes and queen it over us!""Children,children!"said mother."`Judge not!'This is a house of worship.The Lord may be drawing her in His own way.