第69章 Part 7(4)
Now, when the captains of Mansoul, with the elders of the town, had heard the tidings that Mr. Prywell did bring, they thought it expedient, without further delay, to put into execution the laws that against the Diabolonians their Prince had made for them, and given them in commandment to manage against them. Wherefore, forthwith a diligent and impartial search was made in all houses in Mansoul, for all and all manner of Diabolonians. Now, in the house of Mr. Mind, and in the house of the great Lord Willbewill, were two Diabolonians found. In Mr. Mind's house was one Lord Covetousness found; but he had changed his name to Prudent-Thrifty. In my Lord Willbewill's house, one Lasciviousness was found; but he had changed his name to Harmless-Mirth.
These two the captains and elders of the town of Mansoul took, and committed them to custody under the hand of Mr.
Trueman, the gaoler; and this man handled them so severely, and loaded them so well with irons, that in time they both fell into a very deep consumption, and died in the prison-house; their masters also, according to the agreement of the captains and elders, were brought to take penance in the open place to their shame, and for a warning to the rest of the town of Mansoul.
Now, this was the manner of penance in those days: the persons offending being made sensible of the evil of their doings, were enjoined open confession of their faults, and a strict amendment of their lives.
After this, the captains and elders of Mansoul sought yet to find out more Diabolonians, wherever they lurked, whether in dens, caves, holes, vaults, or where else they could, in or about the wall or town of Mansoul. But though they could plainly see their footing, and so follow them by their track and smell to their holds, even to the mouths of their caves and dens, yet take them, hold them, and do justice upon them, they could not; their ways were so crooked, their holds so strong, and they so quick to take sanctuary there.
But Mansoul did now with so stiff an hand rule over the Diabolonians that were left, that they were glad to shrink into corners: time was when they durst walk openly, and in the day; but now they were forced to embrace privacy and the night: time was when a Mansoulian was their companion; but now they counted them deadly enemies. This good change did Mr. Prywell's intelligence make in the famous town of Mansoul.
By this time, Diabolus had finished his army which he intended to bring with him for the ruin of Mansoul; and had set over them captains, and other field officers, such as liked his furious stomach best: himself was lord paramount, Incredulity was general of his army, their highest captains shall be named afterwards; but now for their officers, colours, and scutcheons.
1. Their first captain was Captain Rage: he was captain over the election doubters, his were the red colours; his standard-bearer was Mr. Destructive, and the great red dragon he had for his scutcheon.
2. The second captain was Captain Fury: he was captain over the vocation doubters; his standard-bearer was Mr. Darkness, his colours were those that were pale, and he had for his scutcheon the fiery flying serpent.
3. The third captain was Captain Damnation: he was captain over the grace doubters; his were the red colours, Mr. No-Life bare them, and he had for his scutcheon the black den.
4. The fourth captain was Captain Insatiable; he was captain over the faith doubters: his were the red colours, Mr.
Devourer bare them, and he had for a scutcheon the yawning jaws.
5. The fifth captain was Captain Brimstone: he was captain over the perseverance doubters; his also were the red colours, Mr. Burning bare them, and his scutcheon was the blue and stinking flame.
6. The sixth captain was Captain Torment: he was captain over the resurrection doubters; his colours were those that were pale; Mr. Gnaw was his standard-bearer, and he had the black worm for his scutcheon.
7. The seventh captain was Captain No-Ease; he was captain over the salvation doubters; his were the red colours, Mr.
Restless bare them, and his scutcheon was the ghastly picture of death.
8. The eighth captain was the Captain Sepulchre: he was captain over the glory doubters; his also were the pale colours, Mr. Corruption was his standard-bearer, and he had for his scutcheon a skull, and dead men's bones.
9. The ninth captain was Captain Past-Hope; he was captain of those that are called the felicity doubters; his standard-bearer was Mr. Despair; his also were the red colours, and his scutcheon was a hot iron and the hard heart.
These were his captains, and these were their forces, these were their standards, these were their colours, and these were their scutcheons. Now, over these did the great Diabolus make superior captains, and they were in number seven: as, namely, the Lord Beelzebub, the Lord Lucifer, the Lord Legion, the Lord Apollyon, the Lord Python, the Lord Cerberus, and the Lord Belial; these seven he set over the captains, and Incredulity was lord-general, and, Diabolus was king. The reformades also, such as were like themselves, were made some of them captains of hundreds, and some of them captains of more. And thus was the army of Incredulity completed.
So they set out at Hell-Gate Hill, for there they had their rendezvous, from whence they came with a straight course upon their march toward the town of Mansoul. Now, as was hinted before, the town had, as Shaddai would have it, received from the mouth of Mr. Prywell the alarm of their coming before.
Wherefore they set a strong watch at the gates, and had also doubled their guards: they also mounted their slings in good places, where they might conveniently cast out their great stones to the annoyance of their furious enemy.
Nor could those Diabolonians that were in the town do that hurt as was designed they should; for Mansoul was now awake.