Immediately after dinner on Sunday Wesley Sinton stopped at the Comstock gate to ask if Elnora wanted to go to town with them.Billy sat beside him and he did not appear as if he were on his way to a funeral.
Elnora said she had to study and could not go,but she suggested that her mother take her place.Mrs.Comstock put on her hat and went at once,which surprised Elnora.
She did not know that her mother was anxious for an opportunity to speak with Sinton alone.Elnora knew why she was repeatedly cautioned not to leave their land,if she went specimen hunting.
She studied two hours and was several lessons ahead of her classes.There was no use to go further.She would take a walk and see if she could gather any caterpillars or find any freshly spun cocoons.She searched the bushes and low trees behind the garden and all around the edge of the woods on their land,and having little success,at last came to the road.Almost the first thorn bush she examined yielded a Polyphemus cocoon.Elnora lifted her head with the instinct of a hunter on the chase,and began work.She reached the swamp before she knew it,carrying five fine cocoons of different species as her reward.
She pushed back her hair and gazed around longingly.A few rods inside she thought she saw cocoons on a bush,to which she went,and found several.Sense of caution was rapidly vanishing;she was in a fair way to forget everything and plunge into the swamp when she thought she heard footsteps coming down the trail.She went back,and came out almost facing Pete Corson.
That ended her difficulty.She had known him since childhood.
When she sat on the front bench of the Brushwood schoolhouse,Pete had been one of the big boys at the back of the room.
He had been rough and wild,but she never had been afraid of him,and often he had given her pretty things from the swamp.
"What luck!"she cried."I promised mother I would not go inside the swamp alone,and will you look at the cocoons I've found!There are more just screaming for me to come get them,because the leaves will fall with the first frost,and then the jays and crows will begin to tear them open.I haven't much time,since I'm going to school.
You will go with me,Pete!Please say yes!Just a little way!""What are those things?"asked the man,his keen black eyes staring at her.
"They are the cases these big caterpillars spin for winter,and in the spring they come out great night moths,and I can sell them.Oh,Pete,I can sell them for enough to take me through high school and dress me so like the others that I don't look different,and if I have very good luck I can save some for college.Pete,please go with me?""Why don't you go like you always have?"
"Well,the truth is,I had a little scare,"said Elnora.
"I never did mean to go alone;sometimes I sort of wandered inside farther than I intended,chasing things.You know Duncan gave me Freckles's books,and I have been gathering moths like he did.Lately I found I could sell them.
If I can make a complete collection,I can get three hundred dollars for it.Three such collections would take me almost through college,and I've four years in the high school yet.That's a long time.I might collect them.""Can every kind there is be found here?"
"No,not all of them,but when I get more than I need of one kind,I can trade them with collectors farther north and west,so I can complete sets.It's the only way I see to earn the money.Look what I have already.Big gray Cecropias come from this kind;brown Polyphemus from that,and green Lunas from these.You aren't working on Sunday.
Go with me only an hour,Pete!"
The man looked at her narrowly.She was young,wholesome,and beautiful.She was innocent,intensely in earnest,and she needed the money,he knew that.
"You didn't tell me what scared you,"he said.
"Oh,I thought I did!Why you know I had Freckles's box packed full of moths and specimens,and one evening I sold some to the Bird Woman.Next morning I found a note telling me it wasn't safe to go inside the swamp.
That sort of scared me.I think I'll go alone,rather than miss the chance,but I'd be so happy if you would take care of me.Then I could go anywhere I chose,because if I mired you could pull me out.You will take care of me,Pete?""Yes,I'll take care of you,"promised Pete Corson.
"Goody!"said Elnora."Let's start quick!And Pete,you look at these closely,and when you are hunting or going along the road,if one dangles under your nose,you cut off the little twig and save it for me,will you?""Yes,I'll save you all I see,"promised Pete.He pushed back his hat and followed Elnora.She plunged fearlessly among bushes,over underbrush,and across dead logs.
One minute she was crying wildly,that here was a big one,the next she was reaching for a limb above her head or on her knees overturning dead leaves under a hickory or oak tree,or working aside black muck with her bare hands as she searched for buried pupae cases.For the first hour Pete bent back bushes and followed,carrying what Elnora discovered.Then he found one.
"Is this the kind of thing you are looking for?"he asked bashfully,as he presented a wild cherry twig.
"Oh Pete,that's a Promethea!I didn't even hope to find one.""What's the bird like?"asked Pete.
"Almost black wings,"said Elnora,"with clay-coloured edges,and the most wonderful wine-coloured flush over the under side if it's a male,and stronger wine above and below if it's a female.Oh,aren't I happy!""How would it do to make what you have into a bunch that we could leave here,and come back for them?""That would be all right."