Blue medallions above arches, Faville.Italian adaptation of Byzantine, Ship of State, the Bison, the Twins holding garlands representing abundance, the horn of plenty and cadeucus, and tree.
Coloring under eaves, bright shades, blue and orange.
Planting, by McLaren, well-massed, in great profusion.
Court of Four SeasonsCourt of Four Seasons, Henry Bacon, of New York, architect.Hadrian's Villa used as model for half-dome and columns in front of fountain.
Italian Renaissance in feeling.Every detail in classic spirit.Gives impression of seclusion and peace.
Quotations on gateways chosen by Garnett.On the eastern gateway, "So forth issew'd the seasons of the yeare - first, lusty spring all dight in leaves and flowres - then came the jolly sommer being dight in a thin cassock coloured greene, then came the autumne all in yellow clad -lastly came winter cloathed all in frize, chattering his teeth for cold that did him chill," from "The Faerie Queene," by Edmund Spenser.On the western gateway, "For lasting happiness we turn our eyes to one alone, and she surrounds you now, great nature, refuge of the weary heart and only balm to breasts that have been bruised.She bath cool hands for every fevered brow and gentlest silence for the troubled soul," from "The Triumph of Bohemia," by George Sterling.
Palaces around court: northeast, Agriculture; northwest, Food Products;southwest, Education; southeast, Liberal Arts.
Emerald pool.Surrounded by shrubbery.No sculpture.Architectural term, a "black mirror." Fine reflections.
Planting, by McLaren, simple and effective.Trees, olive, acacia, eucalyptus, cypress, laurel.All foliage, grey-green; banner poles same color.
Banners, by Ryan; no heraldic designs.
Best view of court from between columns of Fountains of Spring or Autumn.
Bulls at sides, above entrance to north court, "Feast of the Sacrifice,"by Albert Jaegers, of New York.Youth and maiden leading bulls to harvest festival, suggested by great garlands.
Roman eagles below bulls on four corners of north court.
Bull's head with festoons, skull motive, at base of corner pavilions at four corners of north court, Roman.
Lion's head around cornice, designed by the architect, modelled by artisans of Exposition.
Bulls' heads above cornices between festoons of flowers around court.
Roman motive.
Statue above south dome, "Harvest," by Albert Jaegers.Seated figure with horn of plenty.Fruits and grains on either side.
"Abundance," statue repeated four times over each gateway, by August Jaegers.
Vases repeated twenty-four times on balustrade around court; simple design, in harmony with classic plan of court.
Wreaths above cornice around court, harvest motive, wheat and grape.
Figures in triangular spaces over three arches of each gateway, repeated.By August Jaegers.Harvest motive.
In ceiling of east and west arches, faint relief, terra-cotta effect, Greek designs; coloring, orange, faint greens, and browns.
Signs of zodiac on gateways, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius, Pisces.
Half-dome to south, "Niche of Ceres." Rich coloring in vault, contrasted with light tones in arched section.
Figures on composite columns at right and left of half-dome, "Rain" and "Sunshine," Albert Jaegers."Rain," a woman shielding head with mantle and holding shell; "Sunshine," woman shading head from sun with palm branch.
Capitals of columns of "Rain" and "Sunshine," agricultural figures, small harvesters.Modelled by Donnelly and Ricci after designs of the architect.
Pedestals at base of columns, agricultural scenes in low relief, modelled by Donnelly and Ricci after designs of the architect.Farmers going to work with women and children and dog.
In niches at corners of court, "Fountains of the Seasons," surmounted by statue groups representing seasons, Furio Piccirilli, of New York.
Delicate pink tinting of walls in niches, by Guerin, in imitation of pink marble.
Columns of colonnades, Ionic, with harvest suggestion in ears of corn hanging from capitals, flower at top.
Flower boxes, in walls of niches near top and at top; African dew plant hanging over edge; give note of age and break sharp outline of wall against sky, and contrast with color of background.
Southwest corner, "Spring," by Piccirilli.Young woman with floral garland, man adoring, Flora bringing flowers.
Northwest corner, "Summer," by Piccirilli.Group expresses fruition.
Woman brings child to husband.Laborer with first sheaf from field.
Northeast corner, "Autumn," by Piccirilli.Young woman carrying wine jar, suggests fruitfulness.Harvest of fields and human race; one girl offers grapes, other a child.
Southeast corner, "Winter," by Piccirilli.Bare tree at back; laborer rests after tilling; one begins to sow, preparing for spring.
Murals in colonnades with fountains, by H.Milton Bancroft.Simple and obvious, in the pagan spirit.
Above doorway in southwest corner, Spring."Spring" and "Seedtime."Northwest corner, Summer."Summer" and "Fruition."Northeast corner, Autumn."Autumn" and "Harvest."Southeast corner, Winter."Festivity" and "Winter."Murals in half-dome to south, Bancroft.Coloring and arrangement of figures finer than in smaller panels.
On east wall under dome, "Art Crowned by Time." Father Time crowns Art;on one side, figures of Weaving, Jewelry Making, Glassmaking; on other Printing, Pottery, and Smithery.
"Man Receiving Instruction in Nature's Laws." Woman holds before a child a tablet inscribed "Laws of Nature." Nature's laws applied to Earth, Water, Fire, Love, Life, and Death.
North court, entrance to Court of Four Seasons.Wreaths, lion heads, bulls' beads, harvest design on capitals of columns, repeated.
"Ceres," by Miss Beatrice Evelyn Longman, goddess of agriculture, wreath of cereals and corn scepter.Figure conventional, prim and modish;flowing skirt.