A Drought of a Code for the Organization of the Judicial Establishment of France,dated March 1790,is reprinted in Works,iv,285-406.Truth v.Ashhurst,written in 1792(v,231-237),was first published in 1823.A Manual of Political Economy,written by 1793(see Works,iii,73n.),corresponds to No.9of his scheme.A chapter appeared in the Bibliothèque Britannique in 1798.It was partly used in Dumont's Théorie des Récompenses,and first published in English in Works (iii,31-84).Emancipate your Colonies (iv,407-481)was privately printed in 1793,and first published for sale in 1830.A Protest against Law Taxes,printed in 1793,was published in 1795together with Supply without Burthen,or Escheat vice Taxation,written in 1794.To them is appended a short paper called Tax without Monopoly (ii,573-600).A Plan for saving all Trouble and Expense in the Transfer of Stock,written and partly printed in 1800,was first published in Works (iii,105-153).
During this period Bentham was also occupied with the Panopticon,and some writings refer to it.The Panopticon,or the Inspection House (iv,37-172),written in 1787,was published in 1791.The Panopticon versus New South Wales (iv,173-248)appeared in 1802;and A Plea for the Constitution (on transportation to New South Wales)(iv,249-284)in 1803.Closely connected with these are Poor-Laws and Pauper Managment (viii,358-461),reprinted from Arthur Young's Annals of September 1797and following months;and Observations on the Poor Bill (viii,440-459),written in February 1797,privately printed in 1838,and first published in the Works.
About 1802Bentham returned to jurisprudence.James Mill prepared from the papers then written an Introductory View on the Rationale of Evidence,finished and partly printed in 1812(see Works,x,468n,and Bain's James Mill,105,120).Dumont's Traitédes Preuves judiciares (1823)was a redaction of the original papers,and an English translation of this appeared in 1825.The parts referring to English Law were omitted.The Rationale of Evidence (5vols,8vo,1827),edited by J.S.Mill,represented a different and fuller redaction of the same papers.It is reprinted in vols.vi,and vii,of the Works with the Introductory View (now first published)prefixed.
To the same period belongs Scotch Reform,with a Summary View of a Plan for a Judicatory,1808(second edition 1811,v,1-60).
After 1808Bentham's attention was especially drawn to political questions.
His Catechism of Parliamentary Reform (iii,433-557),written in 1809,was first published with a long 'introduction'in the Pamphlet for January 1817.
Bentham's Radical Reform Bill,with explanations (iii,558-597)followed in December 1819.Radicalism not dangerous (iii,598-622),written at the same time,first appeared in the Works (iii,398-622).Elements of the Art of Packing as applied to Special Juries,especially in Cases of Libel Law (v,61-186),written in 1809,was published in 1821.Swear not at all (v,188-229)(referring chiefly to Oxford tests),written in 1813,was pbulished in 1817.The King against Edmonds and the King against Wolsely (v,239-261)were published in 1820.Official Aptitude minimised;Official Expense limited (v,263-286),is a series of papers,first collected in 1831.It contains a Defence of Economy against Burke,and a Defence of Economy against George Rose,both written in 1810,and published in the Pamphleteer in 1817,with Observations on a speech by Peel in 1825,and Indication respecting Lord Eldon.The two last appeared in 1825.Connected with these political writings is the Book of Fallacies (ii,375-488),edited by Bingham in 1824,from the 'most unfinished of all Bentham's writings.'Allusions seem to show that the original MSS.were written from 1810to 1819.It was partly published by Dumont with the Tactique,etc.
Bentham,during this period (1808-1820),was also led into various outlying questions.The Pannomial Fragments,Nomography,and Appendix on Logical Arrangement employed by Jeremy Bentham (iii,211-295)were first published in the Works from MSS.written from 1813to 1831.With the Chrestomathia (viii,1-192),first published in 1816,are connected fragments upon 'Ontology','Language',and 'Universal Grammar'(viii,193-358),first published in Works from fragments of MSS.of 1813and later.George Bentham's Outline of a New System of Logic was partly founded upon his uncle's papers.Bentham at the Ford Abbey time (1814-1818)was also writing his Church of Englandism and its Catechism examined,1818.The Analysis of the Influence of Natural Religion upon the Temporal Happiness of Mankind,by Philip Beauchamp,edited by George Grote,appeared in 1822;and Not Paul but Jesus,by Gamaliel Smith in 1823.Francis Place helped in preparing this at Ford Abbey in 1817(Mr Wallas'Life of Place,p.83).Mother Church of England relieved by Bleeding (1823)and the Book of Church Reform (131)are extracted from Church of Englandism,Bowring did not admit these works to his collection.