Word List 14

angry/ ˋæŋgri / adj. 生气的,愤怒的
[考] 1. be angry with sb. 生某人的气 2. be angry at/about 因…而生气
wipe/ waIp / vt. 擦;扫
[例] Wipe the apple juice off your face. 擦掉你脸上的苹果汁。
between/ bIˋtwiːn / prep. 在(两者)之间;在…中间
[例] There might be a great war between the two countries. 这两个国家之间可能会有一场大战。
辨:between, among

couple/ ˋkʌpl / n. 夫妇;(一) 对,(一) 双
[考] a couple of 几个:a couple of times/weeks/hundred dollars 几次/几星期/几百美金

output/ ˋaʊtpʊt / n. 产量,输出量
[记] 来自词组put out(产生)
[例] an output of 100 tons a day 日产量100吨
gather/ ˋgæðə / v. 聚集;采集
[考] 1. gather together 聚在一起 2. gather around... 聚集在…周围: Everyone gathered around the table. 大家都围在桌子旁。
[参] gathering(n. 收集;聚集)
classic/ ˋklæsIk / adj. 经典的,一流的
[例] modern classic writers 当代一流作家
辨:classic, classical
classic和classical词形相像,词义也接近。 classic 意为“经典的;最优秀的”,比如:a classic novel 最佳小说;而classical意为“古典的”,指艺术上的一个流派,比如:classical music古典音乐。
know/ nəʊ / v. 知道,了解;认识;懂得
[例] Anna still did not know her place of birth and who her parents were. 安娜仍然不知道她的出生地及父母是谁。
although/ ɔːlˋðəʊ / conj. 虽然,尽管
[例] Although he was rather tired, he went on working. 虽然他很累,但他仍继续工作。
maybe/ ˋmeIbi / adv. 可能,大概,也许
[例] I think maybe Ben and I can go fishing this weekend. 我想也许我和本这周末可以去钓鱼。
辨:maybe, may be
maybe与may be的含义和用法大不相同。maybe是副词,意思是“也许,可能”,在句中一般作状语,相当于perhaps, 多放在句首。比如: Maybe my girlfriend will come tomorrow. 也许我女朋友明天来。而在may be中,may是情态动词,be是动词原形,这一词组构成了完整的谓语形式,表示“也许是,可能是”,比如: The wallet may be in your pocket. 钱夹可能在你的口袋里。
double/ ˋdʌbl / adj. 两倍的;双重的 n. 两个;双打 v. 加倍
[例] double room 双人间 // men's doubles 男子双打 // They hope the average human life span can be doubled. 他们希望人均寿命可以翻倍。

allocate/ ˋæləkeIt / vt. 分配;配给;拨出
[记] 词根记忆:al(表加强)+loc(地方)+ate(动词后缀)→把东西发送到各地→分配;配给
[例] John allocated a piece of bread to each child in the room. 约翰给房间里的每个孩子分了一片面包。
[参] allocation(n. 分配,配给)
practical/ ˋpræktIkl / adj. 实际的;适用的;实用的;应用的
[例] The proposal Joe put forward at the meeting seemed very practical. 乔在会议上提的建议似乎很实用。
[参] practically(adv. 实际上,事实上)
辨:practical, practicable
practical与practicable在含义上的区别还是很明显的,practical是“实际的;实用的”,而practicable则是“可行的,行得通的”。比如: Your thought is quite practical, but not practicable in our situation. 你的想法很实用,但是在我们这种情况下行不通。
where/ weə / adv./conj. 那儿;何处
[例] That is the small town where I used to work for years. 那是我曾经工作过多年的小镇。// There were dirty marks on her trousers where she had wiped her hands. 她的裤子上有几块擦手时留下的脏印。
vehicle/ ˋviːəkl / n. 车辆
[记] 词根记忆:veh(带)+icle(东西)→载人的东西→车辆
[例] The military has some amphibious vehicles. 部队有一些水陆两用车。

approve/ əˋpruːv / vt. 批准,通过 vi. 赞成;满意
[记] 词根记忆:ap(表加强)+prove(证明)→加大证明力度才会得到批准→批准
[例] The author approved the editor's changes. 作者认同了编辑的修改。
[参] approval(n. 赞成,承认)

polite/ pəˋlaIt / adj. 有礼貌的,有教养的
[记] 联想记忆: 警察(police) 很有礼貌(polite)
[例] It's not polite to ask a lady how old she is. 询问女士的年龄是不礼貌的。
[参] politely(adv. 客气地,有礼貌地);politeness(n. 有礼貌,优雅);impolite(adj. 无礼的,粗鲁的)
concern/ kənˋsɜːn / n. 关系;关心 vt. 涉及,关系到
[记] 词根记忆:con(表加强)+cern(搞清)→一定要搞清楚→关心
[例] Obesity is a major public health concern. 肥胖是大众健康的主要关注点。
[考] 1. be concerned about/for sth. 担心,忧虑,关心 2. be concerned with... 与…有关
elder/ ˋeldə / adj. 年长的 n. 长者,前辈
[例] elder brother 哥哥
[参] elderly(adj. 过了中年的,稍老的)
chapter/ ˋtʃæptə / n. 章
[例] Open your books to Chapter 3. 把你们的书翻到第三章。
regardless/ rIˋgɑːdləs / adv. 不管,不顾;不加理会
[用] regardless后经常与of连用,表示“不管”,比如: I just did what I should do regardless of how other people think. 不管别人怎么想,我只是做了我应该做的事。
[例] The football match will be held on time tomorrow regardless of the weather conditions. 不管天气状况如何,足球比赛明天准时举行。
heel/ hiːl / n. 脚后跟
[例] Her shoes rubbed her heels. 她的鞋磨脚后跟。
below/ bIˋləʊ / prep. 在…下面 adv. 在下面
[例] The temperature is below zero. 温度在零度以下。// See Paragraph Nine below for more details. 详见下面第九段。

popular/ ˋpɒpjələ / adj. 流行的,受欢迎的;大众的
[记] 词根记忆:popul(人民)+ar→受广大人民喜欢的→流行的
[例] Chinese films are very popular in the U.S. 中国电影在美国很受欢迎。// popular science 大众科学
[参] popularity(n. 流行;普及);unpopular(adj. 不受欢迎的,不流行的);popularize(vt. 普及)
rude/ ruːd / adj. 无礼的,粗鲁的,粗暴的
[记] 词根记忆:rud(粗糙的)+e→粗鲁的
联想记忆: 骑自行车(ride)闯红灯是很无礼的(rude)行为
[例] This bad guy was quite rude to his elderly and disabled mother. 这个坏男孩对他上了年纪又身患残疾的妈妈很粗鲁。
[参] rudeness(n. 粗鲁,无礼)
辨:rude, crude, rough

refuse/ rIˋfjuːz / v. 拒绝,不愿
[用] refuse to do sth. 拒绝、不愿做某事: He refused to listen to her suggestions. 他不愿意接受她的建议。注意:refuse后只能接to do, 不能接doing, 有类似用法的动词还有:want, hope, expect, intend, demand, plan, ask, decide, promise, agree, offer, prepare, manage, fail, learn, afford等。
document/ ˋdɒkjumənt / n. 文件,文献
[例] a business document 商务文件
ban/ bæn / vt.(banned, banned, banning) 禁止;取缔 n. 禁令
[例] The college banned alcohol from parties on campus. 这所大学禁止在校园内的聚会上饮酒。
mean/ miːn / v.(meant, meant, meaning) 意味着,意思是
[用] 1. mean... 意思是…: What do you mean by saying that? 你说这话是什么意思?2. mean+n./doing/从句 意味着: I decide to work out the problem even if it means sitting up all night. 我决心要做出这道题,即使这意味着要熬个通宵。3. mean to do... 打算做…: I didn't mean to hurt you. 我本意不是要伤害你。
[例] She meant more to me than anyone. 对我来说,她比任何人都重要。
[考] mean a lot/nothing(to...)(对…) 很重要/根本不重要
resign/ rIˋzaIn / v. 辞去,辞职
[记] 词根记忆:re(反)+sign(标记;签名)→与签合同相反→辞去,辞职
[例] He resigned from the board of directors because of his age. 因为年龄问题,他从董事会辞职了。
mix/ mIks / v. 混合,搅拌
[例] No matter what society it is, men and women mix socially on a day⁃to⁃day basis. 不论在什么社会,男人和女人每天都少不了要打交道。
[考] mix up 弄乱;混淆: Don't mix up all my important papers. 不要把我的重要文件弄乱了。
[参] mixture(n. 混合物)
consistent/ kənˋsIstənt / adj. 一致的,连贯的
[记] 词根记忆:con(共同)+sist(站立)+ent→站到一起→一致的
[例] After a long time of consistent practice you will master this skill. 经过很长一段时间的持续练习,你将掌握这项技能。
chief/ tʃiːf / adj. 主要的,首要的 n. 领导
[记] 发音记忆:“欺负”→位高权重的人才能欺负人→领导
[例] Rice is the chief crop in most southern provinces. 水稻是南方大多数省份的主要作物。// the chief of police 警察局局长
repair/ rIˋpeə / vt. 修理,修补;纠正;恢复 n. 修理,修补
[例] The man has a capacity to repair computer systems. 这个人会修复计算机系统。
worldwide/ ˋwɜːldwaId / adj. 遍及全球的,世界各地的
[记] 组合词:world(世界)+wide(广泛的)→世界上广泛流传的→世界各地的
[例] The recent research on Mars attracted worldwide attention. 最近对火星的研究引起了全球的注意。
greet/ griːt / vt. 问候,向…致敬
[记] 联想记忆: 见面(meet) 的时候互致问候(greet)
[例] She greeted me with a nod. 她点头向我问好。
fortune/ ˋfɔːtʃuːn / n. 财产;运气
[考] 1. make a fortune 赚大钱,发财 2. seek/try one's fortune 碰运气
[参] misfortune(n. 不幸)
guarantee/ ˌgærənˋtiː / vt./n. 保证,担保
[记] 联想记忆:guar(看作guard, 保卫)+antee→保证
[例] He can't guarantee that he will come on time. 他不能保证准时来。
brief/ briːf / adj. 简洁的
[考] in brief 简言之: In brief, you did a good job! 简言之,你干得不错!
1. Some students often listen to music ______ classes to refresh themselves.(2007四川)
A. between
B. among
C. over
D. during
2. As far as I'm ______,I agree that Shanghai isn't a romantic place.
A. concerned
B. related
C. involved
D. linked
3. — Mum, I'm going to visit my aunt. What about a week?
— A week is too long. Try to be back in a ______ of days.
A. number
B. dozen
C. couple
D. score
4. — Your mum is very kind.
— Yeah, my mum is pretty considerate, you know what ______,she always arranges everything around me.(2009福建)
A. she means
B. you mean
C. I mean
D. we mean
5. He went on to do a part⁃time job after work ______ his income.
A. for raise
B. to double
C. to rise
D. to reduce
6. Many graduates in China do their best to go abroad to seek their ______.
A. luck
B. chance
C. fortune
D. fate
7. Edward, you play so well. But I ______ you played the piano.(2009全国1卷)
A. didn't know
B. hadn't known
C. don't know
D. haven't known
8. Mr. Black is very happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been ______.(2010全国2卷)
A. popular
B. more popular
C. most popular
D. the most popular
9. This special school accepts all disabled students, ______ educational level and background.(2009江苏)
A. according to
B. regardless of
C. in addition to
D. in terms of
10. Finally, my thanks go to my tutor, who has offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper and ______ every page of my draft.(2012湖北)
A. approved
B. quoted
C. polished
D. folded
11. They will fly to Washington, ______ they plan to stay for two or three days.(2008重庆)
A. where
B. there
C. which
D. when
12. This new model of car is so expensive that it is ______ the reach of those with average incomes.(2006江苏)
A. over
B. within
C. beyond
D. below
13. Bill likes all kinds of ______ music, especially symphonies.
A. classic
B. classical
C. pop
D. light
14. The murderer refused to come out, so the police had no choice but ______.
A. forced open the door
B. to force the door open
C. force the door open
D. breaking into the house
15. I don't believe we've met before, ______ I must say you do look familiar.(2012全国1卷)
A. therefore
B. although
C. since
D. unless