Word List 27

distant/ ˋdIstənt / adj. 远的,遥远的
[记] 词根记忆:dis(分开)+tant→分开了的→远的
[例] Human beings will live a better life in the not too distant future. 在不远的将来,人类将过上更好的生活。
[参] distance(n. 距离)
immediately/ Iˋmiːdiətli / adv. 立即
[记] 词根记忆:im(无)+medi(中间)+ate+ly→没有间隔,十分迅速→立即
[用] immediately与as soon as都意为“立即,马上”,表示做完一件事后立刻去做另一件,几乎没有时间间隔,类似的词组还有at once, right away等。
[例] Henry stood up immediately to answer the teacher's question when he was asked. 老师刚问亨利问题,他就立刻站起来回答了。
garage/ ˋgæraːʒ / n. 汽车间,汽车库
[例] There are three cars in the garage. 车库里有3辆车。
rely/ rIˋlaI / vi. 依赖(于),依靠;信任
[例] These days, people rely on computers to complete work. 如今,人们依靠计算机来完成工作。
[参] reliable(adj. 可靠的,可信赖的)
辨:rely, believe, trust
这三个词中,rely和trust表示“信任”,而believe意为“相信”;trust多指对人的信任,rely后面跟介词on或upon, 多与can、could、should连用。
just/ dʒʌst / adv. 刚才,恰好;只是,仅 adj. 公正的
[考] 1. just now 刚刚,不久之前;现在 2. just then 就在那时
well/ wel / adv. 好,充分地 adj. 健康的 int. 好吧 n. 井
[用] as well as 也,又: It's great fun as well as a good start in survival training. 这非常有趣,同时也是生存训练的良好开端。注意:as well as相当于一个连词,连接两个主语时,谓语动词要和其前面的主语保持一致: Tom, as well as Mary and Jane, is coming to the party. 汤姆与玛丽和简一样也要去参加舞会。
[例] You look well. 你气色很好。// a well⁃known doctor 一位著名医生
[考] 1. as well 也 2. well off 经济宽裕
fairly/ ˋfeəli / adv. 相当;还算;公正地
[记] 来自fair(adj. 公平的)
[例] He is a fairly good boy. 他是个很好的男孩。// He speaks English fairly well. 他英语讲得相当好。
辨:fairly, quite, rather, pretty
这四个单词都有“相当”的意思,用法也比较相似,但是: 1. 从程度上说fairly是最轻的一个,quite比fairly语气稍强,rather在程度上比quite更重一些,pretty 和rather 差不多,但大多数情况下用于非正式文体,语气从弱到强的排序为fairly < quite < rather ≈ pretty, 具体为: They were getting along fairly well with each other. 他们相处得还不错。// He was quite polite, but he wasn't ready to help me. 他很有礼貌,但并不愿意帮助我。// There's something rather strange about the way he talks to you. 他跟你说话的样子真有点怪。// Twenty⁃five is pretty old to take up ballet dancing. 二十五岁学跳芭蕾,年纪就太大了。2. rather和quite可放在不定冠词前,也可放在不定冠词之后,还可以和动词连用,而fairly和pretty没有这些用法。如: That is quite/rather a surprising result. = That is a quite/rather surprising result. 那个结果令人非常吃惊。// I rather/quite like to go for a walk after supper. 我非常喜欢在晚饭后出去散步。3. 只有rather可以修饰比较级,还可和too连用。如: This computer is rather more expensive than that one. 这台电脑比那台贵多了。// This book is rather too difficult for the beginners. 这本书对初学者来说太难了。
burn/ bɜːn / v.(burnt / burned, burnt / burned, burning) 燃,烧,着火;使烧焦;使晒黑n. 烧伤;晒伤
[记] 联想记忆: 烤炉一转(turn),烧烤火燃(burn)
[例] The mad woman burned the whole house last night. 昨天夜里,那个疯女人烧了整栋房子。
[用] burn的过去式和过去分词既可以用burned也可以用burnt, 但两者是有区别的。burnt可以作定语,表示“烧伤的,烧坏的,烧焦的”,burned则不可以。比如:burnt wood “烧焦的木头”,不能说burned wood。
truth/ truːϑ / n. 事实;真理
[例] tell the truth 说实话 // hide the truth 隐瞒真相
[参] untruth(n. 假话);truthful(adj. 诚实的;真实的)
pound/ paʊnd / n. 磅;英镑
[记] 发音记忆: 音似“磅”
[例] Two pounds of carrots, please. 请给我两磅胡萝卜。// Millions of pounds' worth of damage was caused by a storm last night. 昨晚的暴雨造成了上百万英镑的损失。
automatic/ ˌɔːtəˋmætIk / adj. 自动的,机械的
[记] 词根记忆:auto(自动)+mat(动)+ic(…的)→自动的
[例] The Smiths bought an automatic dishwasher. 史密斯家买了一台自动洗碗机。
middle/ ˋmIdl / n. 中间,当中 adj. 中部的,中间的,中级的
[例] in the middle 在中间 // middle school 中学 // middle children 排行在中间的孩子 // middle⁃aged people 中年人
辨:middle, centre
二者都有“中间”的意思,但centre常用来指一个准确的点,如:the centre of the city市中心,而middle常用于指不太准确的位置;当考虑事物的长度而不是面积时常用middle, 如: I am walking in the middle of the road. 我走在马路中间。middle可以用于时间但centre不行,如:in the middle of the night 午夜。

courage/ ˋkʌrIdʒ / n. 勇气,胆略
[例] He showed great courage and determination. 他表现得十分勇敢和果断。
[考] 1. get courage 获得勇气 2. lose courage 失去勇气
attack/ əˋtæk / v./n. 攻击,袭击
[例] Our dog attacked the neighbor's cat. 我们的狗攻击了邻居家的猫。// The police are launching a major attack on drug dealers. 警方对贩毒者发动了大规模的攻击。

care/ keə / v. 介意,在乎;在意;关心 n. 照料;保护;小心
[考] 1. take care of 照顾,照料: I don't think Peter is too young to take care of the pet dog. 彼得虽小,但我认为他能照顾好小狗。2. take care 当心: Take care and don't eat any more fish. 当心,别再吃鱼了。 3. care for 喜欢,照料 4. care about 关心,在乎
[参] careful(adj. 小心的,谨慎的);carefully(adv. 仔细地);careless(adj. 粗心的;草率的)
kick/ kIk / v./n. 踢

[例] The baby was lying on its back, kicking its legs in the air. 婴儿平躺着,两腿向空中踢着。
withdraw/ wIðˋdrɔː /v.(withdrew, withdrawn, withdrawing) 缩回,撤回
[记] 词根记忆:with(向后)+draw(拉)→拉回,收回→缩回,撤回
[例] John withdrew his suggestion when no one supported it. 由于没有人支持,约翰收回了他的建议。
[参] withdrawn(adj. 内向的,孤僻的)
broken/ ˋbrəʊkən / adj. 弄坏了的,破碎的
[记] break的过去分词
[例] a broken window 一扇碎了的窗户

degree/ dIˋgriː / n. 程度;度数;文凭
[例] I agree with you to some degree. 我在某种程度上同意你的观点。// thirty degrees centigrade 30摄氏度 // bachelor's degree 学士学位
applicant/ ˋæplIkənt / n. 申请人
[例] According to the data, there were twenty⁃five applicants for the position of general manager. 数据显示,有25人申请总经理一职。
dream/ driːm / v.(dreamed/dreamt, dreamed/dreamt, dreaming) 做梦,梦想n. 梦,梦想 考 dream of sth./doing sth. 梦想(做)某事: I dream of becoming a teacher. 我梦想成为一名教师。
view/ vjuː / n. 看法;景色
[考] 1. in one's view 按某人的观点 2. in view of 鉴于,由于 3. in full view of/in the view of 在被…(完全)看得见的地方 4. point of view 观点
delay/ dIˋleI / n./v. 拖延
[考] 1. delay one's payment 延迟付款 2. call for a delay on sth. 要求推迟某事
admirable/ ˋædmərəbl / adj. 令人钦佩的;极好的
[例] The beautiful girl's thick black hair is admirable to everyone. 这个漂亮女孩浓密的黑发让每个人都赞叹不已。
least/ liːst / n. 最少,最少量
[例] He was the one who did the least of the work and got the most of the money. 他就是那个干活最少、拿钱最多的人。
[考] at least 至少
join/ dʒɔIn / v. 参加,加入;连接;会合
[考] join in 参加,加入: We all joined in the singing. 我们一起唱起了歌。
辨:join, join in, take part in
join常用来指加入一个团体或组织并成为其中的一员,如参军、入团、入会等;join in多用来指参与到竞赛、娱乐、谈话等活动中;take part in指参加比赛或大型的活动,并在其中发挥积极作用。
marry/ ˋmæri / v.(married, married, marrying) 和…结婚
[记] 联想记忆: 结婚(marry) 是令人幸福快乐的(merry) 事
[用] 1. marry sb. 和某人结婚(注意: 不用任何介词): Bill married a famous actress. 比尔娶了一位著名的演员。2. marry和get married都是非延续性动词,因此不能与表示一段时间的状语连用;表示结婚已有一段时间应用be married: They married fifty years ago.(=They have been married for fifty years.) 他们结婚已经有50年了。
[参] marriage(n. 结婚,婚姻)
possess/ pəˋzes / vt. 占有,拥有
[例] He possesses many fine qualities. 他有很多优点。
instruct/ Inˋstrʌkt / v. 指示;教导;通知
[记] 联想记忆:in+struct(看作strict, 严厉的) →教不严,师之惰→教导
[例] A computer can only do what you have instructed it to do. 电脑只能按照你的指示运作。
[参] instructor(n. 教师;讲师)

educate/ ˋedʒukeIt / v.(educated, educated, educating) 教育,培养
[记] 词根记忆:e(出)+duc(引导;带来)+ate→引出知识→教育
[例] He was once educated at a local grammar school. 他曾在当地的一所语法学校学习过。// This has helped educate people about the prevention of heart disease. 这有助于培养人们预防心脏病的意识。
[参] educator(n. 教育家);educated(adj. 受过教育的)
fluent/ ˋfluːənt / adj.(说话、语言、写作等)流利的,流畅的
[记] 词根记忆:flu(流动)+ent(…的)→自然流露的→流畅的
[例] Linda could speak fluent English at the age of 6. 琳达6岁时就能说一口流利的英语了。
[参] influent(adj. 流入的)
comment/ ˋkɒment / n. 评论 v. 评论;注释
[记] 词根记忆:com(共同)+ment(思考,神智)→一起思考→评论
[例] ask for comment 征求意见 // He refused to comment on the election results. 他拒绝评论选举的结果。
[考] make comments on/upon sth. 评论某事
statistics/ stəˋtIstIks / n. 统计表,数字,数据
[例] Statistics prove that you are safer in a plane than in a car. 数据证明,乘飞机要比乘汽车安全。
bill/ bIl / n. 钞票;账单;法案,议案
[例] a ten⁃dollar bill 一张十美元的钞票 // The bill was carried by the Senate. 这项法案在参议院获得通过。
[考] pay one's bill 埋单: He paid his bill and went out of the restaurant. 他埋完单后,走出了那家饭店。
soon/ suːn / adv. 不久,很快,一会儿
[用] no sooner... than 一…就…: I had no sooner left than she called. 我刚走她就打来了电话。注意: 当no sooner位于句首时,其后的部分应使用倒装语序: No sooner was the frost off the ground than the work began. 地上的霜一消散,人们就开始工作了。
[考] 1. as soon as possible 尽快 2. sooner or later 迟早 3. soon after 不久之后

eager/ˋiːgə / adj. 渴望的,热切的
[考] be/feel eager to do sth. 渴望做某事: She is eager to see this film. 她特别想看这部电影。
[参] eagerly(adv. 渴望地,热切地);eagerness(n. 渴望,热切)
pack/ pæk / n. 包,背包;一群 v. 包装,整理
[例] Tom refused to pack his belongings. 汤姆拒绝把自己的东西打包。
[考] pack up 把…打包,整理
comprehension/ ˌkɒmprIˋhenʃn / n. 理解
[例] The problem is beyond my comprehension. 这个问题我无法理解。
1. So sudden ______ that the enemy had no time to escape.(2009山东)
A. did the attack
B. the attack did
C. was the attack
D. the attack was
2. I smell something ______ in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute?(2007全国1卷)
A. burning
B. burnt
C. being burnt
D. to be burnt
3. The World Health Organization gave a warning to the public without any ______ when the virus of H1N1 hit Mexico in April, 2009.(2009福建)
A. delay
B. effort
C. schedule
D. consideration
4. The public should be ______ in how to use energy more effectively.
A. educated
B. taught
C. told
D. studied
5. Miss Zhang didn't feel ______ last night, so she sent for a doctor.
A. nice
B. good
C. well
D. glad
6. — Have you known Dr. Jackson for a long time?
— Yes, since she ______ the Chinese Society.(2008全国1卷)
A. has joined
B. joins
C. had joined
D. joined
7. The house still needed a lot of work, but ______ the kitchen was finished.(2008全国2卷)
A. instead
B. altogether
C. at once
D. at least
8. The workers ______ the glasses and marked on each box “this side up”.(2010全国1卷)
A. carried
B. delivered
C. pressed
D. packed
9. Merlin was very proud of his invention and ______ arriving at the party on wheels while playing the violin.
A. would like
B. preferred
C. dreamed of
D. dreamed in
10. Just use this room for the time being, and we'll offer you a larger one ______ it becomes available.(2010安徽)
A. as soon as
B. unless
C. as far as
D. until
11. One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high rise is that you can get a good ______.
A. sight
B. scene
C. view
D. look
12. We can hardly imagine what his ______ to the news will be.
A. opinion
B. impression
C. reaction
D. comment
13. Her son, to whom she was so ______,went abroad ten years ago.
A. loved
B. cared
C. devoted
D. affected
14. The committee is discussing the problem right now. It will ______ have been solved by the end of next week.(2006江苏)
A. eagerly
B. hopefully
C. immediately
D. gradually
15. — Is there anything wrong, Bob? You look sad.
— Oh, nothing much. In fact, I ______ of my friends back home.(2007全国2卷)
A. have just thought
B. was just thinking
C. would just think
D. will just be thinking
——古罗马哲学家 西尼加
(Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Ancient Roman philosopher)