On the Phenomenon of Avoiding the Author s Name in Family Collections in/edieval China
Li ChLngqing
This articlL discussLs jiaji(家集family collLctions)in mLdiLval China.AftLr Lx-amining thL naturL documLnting fLaturLs and mLthods of prLsLrvation of jiaji bLforL and aftLr thL Tang dynasty it analyzL thL convLntion of jiaji huiqiming(avoiding thL author's namL in family collLctions)and clarify thL forms of this avoidancL taking a cuL from Wenxuan wuchen zhu文選五臣注(FivL CourtiLrs'AnnotatLd Edition of Wen Xuan)and Qian Zhongshu's Guanzhui bian管錐編(LimitLd ViLws:Essays on IdLas and LLttLrs).ThLn basLd on a comparativL Lxamination of corpusLs of manu-scripts and thosL of woodblock printing I try to illustratL thL changing modLs of thL avoidancL of thL author's namL in corpusLs compilLd by Tang pLoplL.