Preface I
Among the goals of Sir Robert Hart, the Inspector General of the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs, was the development of a modern postal system in China based on the model of the British post office. Coupled with this was the need for China to issue its own postage stamps under the auspices of the Customs service. Therefore, it was only logical that Hart approach Thomas De La Rue & Co., the foremost English printer of postage stamps at the time, in the first instance. The resultant hand painted essays (artist's drawings) submitted by De La Rue to Hart through the intermediary of the Chinese Customs Commissioner in London, J. D. Campbell, in June, 1877 were, in essence, the earlier designs for the first proposed stamp issue of China, and their importance as such has been universally recognised.
What has not been known previously is the correspondence between J. D. Campbell and De La Rue about the printing of stamps for China, either in England, or locally, which, for the latter case, would have meant that the machinery, paper and supervisory per-sonnel would be supplied by De La Rue. The De La Rue Archives, upon which this book is based, provide a fascinating insight to the production of postage stamps as it relates to Hart's proposed issue, commencing with the hand painted designs and the study of their symbolism to the engraving of the master die, and the various methods of printing available at the time, with meticulous care and detail devoted to every aspect, including the inks, gum and perfo-rating machinery, as well as the logistics relating to security (very important for postage stamps, especially so, in terms of deterring forgery), supply and transport. De La Rue's formidable expertise and experience in the printing of postage stamps is epitomised by the printer's strong recommendation to simultaneously print postal stationery envelopes.
This represents the first time that any researcher has consulted these archives concerning this first proposal for the issue of stamps for China. This original source also serves as a technical treatise for the processes and steps involved in printing postage stamps in general.
Jeffrey S. Schneider
June 2018