The Time Nightshirt
Had George Blade been a scientist like his Uncle Zeke, who invented the time nightshirt, he would have submitted to the College of Physicists an impersonal report on his trip sixty-two years into the future. And though in the year 1910 he possessed none of the fame he was to acquire, he probably would have been believed, not because he was a writer, but because he was the nephew of the late Dr. Ezekiel Herkheimer, the world-famous scientist.
But since he was a writer rather than a scientist, a strange experience to George was material for a fictional tale. It never occurred to him to report his trip as fact. He made it a love story about a man from 1910 and a girl from 1972.
He was rather proud of the story. Waiting in the outer office of Mr. Thomas Grayson, his editor, he anticipated nothing but friendly congratulations and a substantial check. His smile died the moment he saw the editor’s expression.
“You didn’t like it,” George said flatly, without waiting to be told.
“Sit down, Mr. Blade,” Grayson invited. “You obviously put a lot of work into The Time Nightshirt. And you have quite an imagination. But, to put it bluntly, your background is entirely implausible①. The average reader simply won’t believe in your year 1972.”
“But, sir,” George protested, “I assure you the background is authentic to the last detail. I was there!”
Grayson stared at the young author in astonishment!
“You see, sir, uncle—Dr. Ezekiel Herkheimer, the physicist—died last January and I inherited his belongings. Among them I found the time nightshirt described in my story.”
“You mean there actually is such a piece of equipment?” Grayson asked incredulously②.
“Exactly as described, sir. In shape it is a common nightshirt. But the material seems to be some kind of odd metal. And the two buttons are not merely buttons, but movable dials. I don’t understand my late uncle’s theory of time-space travel, but the operation of the nightshirt is very simple. The top dial projects you sixty-two years into the future and the bottom dial returns you again.”
For a long time Grayson examined George without saying anything. When he finally spoke, it was in the unnaturally calm voice of a man humoring a maniac③. “Why sixty-two years particularly?”
“I don’t know. But I actually leapt from the year 1910 to the year 1972. I was gone nearly two weeks. It was the most amazing two weeks I ever spent. But it was embarrassing.”
“Embarrassing?” Grayson asked cautiously.
“In the first place, Uncle Zeke’s notes contained no provisions for taking along anything but myself and the nightshirt. Consequently I arrived in the year 1972 a pauper④ and suitably attired only for bed. I was able to remedy this situation almost immediately. But my embarrassment persisted⑤ during my entire stay for a different reason.”
“What was that?” Grayson asked, apparently deciding George was harmless.
George said, “I have an excellent education and always imagined that if I had to, I could make a living in any number of genteel ways. But in the year 1972 I was fitted to perform only the most menial tasks. The only work I could find was digging sewers.”
“But how did you manage to clothe yourself on arrival?” Grayson asked.
“I’m afraid I stooped to theft,” George admitted. “You see, I live in a suite at the Hotel Chelsea. Since it is a relatively new building, I assumed it would still be standing in sixty-two years. I therefore made the leap in time in my own bedroom. Fortunately the tenant occupying the suite that had been mine sixty-two years before was out when I materialized. Finding his clothing an approximate fit, I shamelessly appropriated what I required. Probably the man is still puzzled, for I returned the clothing two weeks later when I transmitted myself back to 1910.”
“How did you manage to live until you obtained your sewer-digging job?” asked Grayson.
“For the first day I was on charity. After stealing the clothing, I went out into the street. But the impact of New York City in 1972 was so tremendous⑥ that I staggered about in a state of shock until 2 a.m., when I finally stumbled into a Salvation Army hostel and was shown to bed by a kindly captain who mistook my condition for alcoholism.”
“Frankly, Mr. Blade,” said Grayson, “I still find your story as implausible as the script that you based on it. But I have to admit I find it interesting. What caused the state of shock you describe?”
“Thousands of glittering metal and glass vehicles roaring along streets at fantastic speeds clanging bells, screaming horns, and mingled with all these noises a strange overtone which I can only describe as the drone of a million cogs moving.”
“You used that same description in your story,” Grayson remarked.
George went on. “After the initial shock, I gradually became sufficiently acclimated to exist in this strange environment, but I remained in a constant state of amazement. Some of the mechanical wonders I saw are described in my story, but not nearly all. In 1972 nothing was done by people any more… even the theater having substituted for actors a hug screen upon which, by some kind of electrical lighting effect, the illusion of real performers was produced, complete with color and sound. But the progress in transportation was the most astounding. I traveled in horseless carriages at incredible speeds—”
“This is all very entertaining, Mr. Blade,” interrupted Grayson. “But even if I were to concede that your background is based on authentic observation, your story still sounds implausible. What have you given us? A civilization that travels in airships faster than the speed of sound, and sends men to spaceships to the moon! The homes of your hypercivilization are a mass of unbelievable gadgets run by buttons. Buttons are pushed to clean rugs, wash and dry clothes, and even to present the sights and sounds of important events as they are happening all over the world. Every home has built-in entertainment that picks music, talk, and pictures from the air. And the warfare you describe! A single bomb disintegrates an entire city! Don’t you see how incredible it all sounds?”
“But it actually was that way,” George said sullenly.
The editor smiled indulgently. “Perhaps life will be as you describe it in a thousand years. But no reader would accept such advances in a mere sixty-two years. What you seem to have overlooked, Mr. Blade, is that the children of today will be the leaders of your fantastic future world. You can’t possibly expect your readers to believe such enormous progress will take place during their own lifetimes!”
(1,126 words)
①implausible [ɪmˑplɔ:zəbl] adj. 难信的,不像真实的
②incredulously [ɪnˑkredjələslɪ] adv. 怀疑地,不轻信地
③maniac [ˑmeɪnɪæk] n. 疯子 adj. 发狂的,癫狂的,疯狂的
④pauper [ˑpɔ:pə(r)] n. 叫花子,乞丐
⑤persist [pəˑsɪst] vi. 坚持,持续
⑥tremendous [trəˑmendəs] adj. 极大的,巨大的
I. How well did you read?
1. [Note the fact] The time nightshirt was________.
A. the basis of a story written by George
B. a device invented by George’s uncle
C. both A and B
2. [Note the fact] With the time nightshirt, George could________.
A. change the outcome of historic events
B. project himself into the past
C. visit the future and return again
3. [Understand the opinion] Mr. Grayson’s main objection to George’s story was that its setting was________.
A. unbelievable B. unusual C. unscientific
4. [Grasp the character’s thought] Listening to George tell of his leap from 1910 to 1972, Grayson began to think George________.
A. was retelling a dream B. must be out of his mind
C. might be joking
5. [Follow the sequence] Which did George say he did last?
A. He entered a Salvation Army hostel.
B. He found a job digging sewers.
C. He stole some clothing.
6. [See the point] George’s state of shock was caused by his________.
A. inability to adjust immediately to his strange new environment
B. surprise at finding himself in New York
C. heavy drinking
7. [Grasp the character’s thought] George was most impressed with the development of________.
A. theater and television B. faster, more efficient means of travel
C. better human relations
8. [See the main idea] The main idea of paragraphs 25 and 27 is that Grayson________.
A. gradually changed his mind about the story George told
B. still held his original opinion about the story
C. was entertained and fascinated by the story
9. [Determine the theme] The author probably wrote this story to________.
A. make us realize how rapidly the world changes
B. convince us that the time nightshirt was real
C. impress us with the need for progress
II. Read for words.
1. Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words.
(1) George said flatly, without waiting to be told.
A. 断然地 B.无力地 C. 单调地
(2) I actually leapt from the year 1910 to the year 1972.
A. 连接 B. 变化 C. 跳跃
(3) I was able to remedy this situation almost immediately.
A. correct B. change C. cure
(4) I remained in a constant state of amazement.
A. immediate B. continual C. instant
2. Choose one best paraphrase for the underlined expressions.
(1) He would have submitted to the College of Physicists an impersonal report on his trip sixty-two years into the future.
A. presented for evaluation by others B. gave in; surrendered
C. suggested; urged
(2) But even if I were to concede that your background is based on authentic observation, your story still sounds implausible.
A. admit defeat before it is officially declared
B. acknowledge as right or true
C. grant as a right or privilege