第二卷 谏下
2.1 [26] 景公藉重而狱多欲托晏子晏子谏
Chap ter Two Remonstrations—Part B
Under Duke Jing,taxes were heavy and lawsuits numerous. The prison was full of detainees,and the court was filled w ith those who harbored resentments. Yanzi remonstrated,but the Duke did not pay heed.
The Duke said to Yanzi: “Handling lawsuits is an important official duty in the state. Master,I w ish to entrust you w ith it.”
Yanzi replied: “Do you,my Lord,w ish to appoint me in order to manage these law suits? Then I have a concubine[1] who can w rite,and she w ill suffice to manage them. Or do you,my Lord,w ish to appoint me in order to manage the m inds of those who harbor resentments? Well now,since none of the people desire to destroy their family livelihood in order to comply w ith the perversities of cruel superiors,you should just order your officials to gather these lawsuits and burn them.”
Duke Jing was displeased and said: “You say that in order to manage these lawsuits I could appoint a concubine,and in order to manage the minds of those who harbor resentments,I could gather these lawsuits and burn them; then,if that is all there is,have you none of what is called ‘the ability to govern a state,’ my Master?”
Yanzi replied: “This is different from what I have heard. Well now,the Hu,Mo,[2] Rong,and Di tribes[3] raise their dogs in packs ranging from groups larger than ten to groups as small as five or six. Yet these dogs do not harm and maim one another. But now,tie up a chicken or a suckling pig and recklessly fling it at them,and as you stand there,you would expect them to break each other’s bones and tear each other’s skins to pieces. Likew ise,if superiors are correct in their governing and inferiors are clear as to their ranks,[4] the honored and low ly do not overstep their boundaries. But now you,my Lord,take ranks and emoluments amounting to a thousand zhong of grain and recklessly fling them at your entourage,and they fight for them more ferociously than the dogs of the Hu tribes; you,my Duke,fail to understand all this. A ll the grain in the state could not fill an inch-long[5] tube w ithout a bottom. But now,in the state of Qi,the men plough and the women weave all through the night until dawn,and yet this is not enough to meet the demands of their superiors. Everywhere in your surroundings,my Lord,you have the most lovely carvings and engravings—this is the tube w ithout a bottom; yet you,my Lord,certainly fail to understand all this. If a five-foot tall boy[6] were to hold an inch-long fire-spill,[7] then the entire realm could not supply enough firewood for the fires it would set. Yet your entire entourage,my Lord,is lighters of flames,but you persistently fail to understand all this. When bells and drums are arranged in order,and the dance of Shields and Axes[8] is presented,even Yu[9] could not prohibit people from watching. Likew ise,even a sage would find it difficult to refine the desires of the people and still restrict their listening and restrain their hearts; all the more so when you,my Lord,rob the people of their property and starve them,exploit their strength and tire them,regularly bring suffering upon them,are harsh in dealing w ith their lawsuits,and punish their crimes severely. This is something beyond my understanding.”
[1]妄→妾 (JS,98/5).
[2]狢→貉 (YZCQ-ICS,11,n. 4).
[3]The Hu 胡,Mo 狢 and Di 狄 tribes were situated in the North; the Rong 戎 were situated in the West.
[4]论→伦 (JS,99/12).
[5]Cun 寸,an “inch,” approximately 2.3 centimeters,is equal to about one tenth of a chi 尺 (“a foot”),approximately 23 centimeters.
[6]Approximately 115 cm. In other words,a fairly short and young child.
[7]烟→熛 (JS,99/16).
[8]The Shields and Axes was a war dance in which the performers brandished shields and axes and m im icked a war scene. See Liji 礼记 ,19.1/100/28; Hanshi waizhuan,4.9/27/20.
[9]Emperor Yu 禹 or the Great Yu,the legendary first ruler of the Xia dynasty.