2.7 [32] 景公为邹之长涂晏子谏
Duke Jing built a terrace over the Road Bedchamber,[1] and the work went on for three years w ithout cessation. In addition,he conscripted laborers for the Changlai Terrace for two years w ithout cessation,and he also built the Long Road to Zou.
Yanzi remonstrated and said: “The strength of the people is exhausted; shouldn’t you cease?”
The Duke said: “The road is about to be completed; do let it be completed and then let the labor cease.”
Yanzi replied: “A ruler who exhausts the wealth of the people cannot benefit from this act; a ruler who depletes the strength of the people cannot enjoy it. Formerly,King Ling of Chu[2] built the Towering-Leaning Palace,and the work went on for three years w ithout cessation. He also built the Terrace of Zhanghua for five years w ithout cessation,and he waged the War of Qianxi for eight years; the people’s strength was overtaxed and so they ceased of their own accord. King Ling died in Qianxi,and the people did not take part in the return of his coffin. But now you,my Lord,are not guided by the righteousness of the enlightened rulers and you follow in the footsteps of King Ling. I am afraid,my Lord,that your conduct is oppressing the people and you w ill never see delights in Changlai. It would be better to cease.”
The Duke said: “Well argued. Were it not for someone like you,Master,I would never have known how gravely I had offended the people.”
Thereupon,he ordered that the part of the road already built not be given over to ruin; that the remaining resources for the completion of the project should not be collected; and that the frame-boards be cut up and removed from the road.
[1]路寝,either the “Road Bedchamber o f the Right” (右路寝) or the “Road Bedchamber of the Left” (左路寝),one of the three royal bedchambers. For a detailed discussion of the nature,location and function of each of these three chambers,see Shuoyuan,19.13/163/14; Liji 礼记,22.3/115/1; JS,116/1; James Legge,tr. The Chinese Classics,Vol. V,The Ch’un Ts’ew w ith the Tso Chuen. Reprint,Hong Kong University Press (1970): 121.
[2]The notorious King Ling of Chu 楚灵王 lived in the same generation as Duke Jing. He reigned from 540–529 BCE.