2.13 [38] 景公为履〔而〕饰以金玉晏子谏
Duke Jing comm issioned shoes w ith golden laces and silver decorations. They had cords strung with pearls and their ornamental points were made of fine jade. They were one foot long.[1] He wore them for an audience in the w inter. When Yanzi attended the audience,the Duke went to greet him but the shoes were so heavy that the Duke was barely able to lift his feet.
The Duke asked: “Is the weather cold?”
Yanzi replied: “Why do you ask if the weather is cold? In ancient times,clothes made for the sage were such that they were light and warm in winter,and light and cool in summer. Yet,wearing shoes that are made of gold and jade in the w inter is heavy and leaves one cold. The weight of the shoes is inappropriate; it is beyond all bounds and constitutes losing touch w ith the reality of life. Apparently,the craftsman of Lu[2] did not know the correct proportions of cold and warm and did not know the correct measurement of light and heavy,and he thereby harmed orderly life. This is his first crime. That he produced an article that does not conform to proper norms and thereby made you the laughingstock among the regional princes. This is his second crime. That he utilized property w ithout a useful result and thereby engendered resentment among the people. This is his third crime. Please have him arrested and judged by the court officers.”
The Duke said: “The craftsman of Lu put hard work into making these shoes,please set him free.”
Yanzi said: “It would not be appropriate. I have heard that if someone puts hard work into doing good,then he should be rewarded handsomely. But if someone puts hard work into w rongdoing,his punishment should be heavy.”
The Duke did not answer. Yanzi went out and ordered the court officers to arrest the craftsman of Lu. He ordered someone to send the craftsman off to the border region and to make it impossible for him to return. The Duke removed the shoes and did not wear them again.
[1]The ancient Chinese foot,chi 尺,is said to be about 23 cm.
[2]As the story of this item evolves,we learn that Yanzi blames a particular craftsman from Lu for the making of these shoes.