第4单元 Fixing Finance
Fixing Finance
—Crises are endemic to financial systems. Attempts to regulate them may do more harm than good.
As if collapsing prices were not enough,American mortgage firms now have to cope with home rage. Borrowers vent their fury on the system that is repossessing their properties by smashing holes in walls and tipping paint over living-room carpets. Something similar is going on in the house finance built. Faith in open markets has been poisoned by a crisis that has spread from one asset to the next. First there was disbelief and denial. Then fear. Now comes anger.
For three decades, public policy has been dominated by the power of markets—flexible and resilient, harnessing self-interest for the public good, and better than any planner-in-chief. Nowhere are markets deeper and more liquid than in modern finance. But finance has stumbled and there are growing calls from all sides for bold re-regulation.
New rules became inevitable the moment the Federal Reserve rescued Bear Stearns and pledged to lend to other Wall Street banks. If taxpayers are required to bail out investment banks, the governments need to impose tighter limits on the risks those banks can take. This week Hank Paulson, America's Treasury Secretary, unveiled a longer-term plan to deal with this and other weaknesses in America's regulatory system; and next week the G7 finance ministers will meet in Washington,DC, where they will discuss a report on the crisis by the Financial Stability Forum.
It is natural and right that regulators should seek to learn lessons. The credit crisis will damage not just the reputation of the financial system but also the lives of those who lose their houses, businesses and jobs as a result of it. But before governments set about reforming financial regulation, they need both to be clear about the causes of the crisis and to understand just how little regulators can achieve.
从美国联邦储备14援助Bear Stearns公司15,并承诺将帮助华尔街其他银行的那一刻开始,新规则的出现就将不可避免。如果政府要求纳税人放弃16投资银行,政府就必须针对这些银行所能承受的风险施加更加严格的限制。本周,美国财政部部长汉克·保尔森公布了一项应对此次危机及美国调控制度17方面其他缺陷的长期计划;下周,七国集团(G7)18的财政部长将在华盛顿特区19会晤,共同讨论由金融稳定论坛提交的一份危机报告20。
1 Fix在这里是“修理”“整顿”的意思,整篇文章讲的是如何“修理”或“整顿”金融业,即如何加强金融业监管的问题,故标题可译为“整顿金融业”或“修理金融业”。“金融政策调整”按字面讲,是“对金融政策的调整”,是比较具体、短期的行动,不同于对整个金融业的监管。finance这里指整个金融业,这个词的更多含义见本单元的短文。
2 此处对原文理解有误,尤其是endemic一词。endemic有两个基本含义:一是指belonging or native to a particular people or country;二是指characteristic of or prevalent in a particular field, area, or environment。译者显然选了第一个意思,忽略了第二个意思。顺便提一下,遇到不理解的词语,应先查英文原文词典,不论是纸质词典,还是网上词典,详细研读英文单词的每条释义。对意思不通的地方应提出疑问,譬如对于“金融制度的危机具有区域性特点”,大家都知道,现在的金融危机是“全球性”危机,这“区域性”特点从何而来?故在翻译时要予以探究,辨别其真实意思。financial system更多是指“金融体系”,此句可译为“金融体系发生危机是常有的现象”。system一词含义丰富,且释义相近,故最常见的译法有多个,如“系统”“制度”“体系”“体制”等。这几个中文词含义相近,有时可以互换,会给译者带来不少困惑。遇到system时,应根据上下文并通过网上搜索,参照中文里相似的语言材料来判断,选择最合适、最通用的译法。试举例说明:
- The council called upon the United Nations system, Member States and indigenous people's organizations to recognize the rights and special needs of indigenous women and girls.理事会吁请联合国系统、会员国和土著人民组织承认土著妇女和女孩的权利和特殊需要。
- Afghanistan stressed the importance of gender equality, as well as equal access to education for all children, embodied in its legal system.阿富汗强调,该国的法律制度重视两性平等以及所有儿童获得平等的教育机会。
- These issues included...overrepresentation of Maori in the criminal justice system.这些问题包括……毛利人在刑事司法系统中比例过高(因涉及工作人员比例,这里用“系统”比用“制度”恰当。我们日常生活中也说,“在银行系统工作”“在司法系统工作”)。
- The main goal is to establish a functional victim information system (VIS), which would comply with the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) standards.主要目的是建立一个有效的受害者信息系统,该系统符合“排雷行动信息管理系统”的标准。
- The report reiterates UNCTAD's longstanding call for a thorough reform of the global monetary and financial system.报告重申了贸发会议关于全面改革全球货币和金融体系的长期呼吁。
3 在中文里,“调控”是“调节、控制”的缩写,有特定含义,经常出现在“宏观调控”“政策调控”等短语中。regulate这里的意思是“监管”,关于金融业监管(financial regulation),网上可查到丰富的参考资料,例如:
- Financial regulation is a form of regulation or supervision, which subjects financial institutions to certain requirements, restrictions and guidelines, aiming to maintain the integrity of the financial system. This may be handled by either a government or non-government organization. Financial regulation has also influenced the structure of banking sectors, by decreasing borrowing costs and increasing the variety of financial products available. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_regulation)
- 金融监管是金融监督和金融管理的总称。金融监管是指政府通过特定的机构(如中央银行)对金融交易行为主体进行的某种限制或规定。金融监管本质上是一种具有特定内涵和特征的政府规制行为。综观世界各国,凡是实行市场经济体制的国家,无不客观地存在着政府对金融体系的管制。(http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/金融监管)
4 “美国信贷公司”读起来像是指一家特定的公司,应加一个“的”字,泛指多家公司。home rage不是“国内产生的各种愤怒情绪”,而是下一句所说的smashing holes in walls(在墙上砸出洞)等破坏房屋的泄愤举动。
5 repossessing their properties指银行把贷款者所抵押的房子收回。
6 见注4。“破坏墙上的孔”译得不准确,也无法理解。
7 Something similar is going on in the house finance built比较费解,其实这句话是与前面两句话相对的。前面讲了实实在在的“房屋”(home/properties, stone built, or brick built),而这里开始讲用“金融”建造起来的“大厦”(house finance built)。这个大厦便是整个金融业。金融危机最主要的特点是信用危机,于是下面几句解释了这个金融业大厦危机的主要情形:Faith in open markets...Now comes anger.由原文这一段的写法我们似乎可以看出一种写作的思路:先说出一个看法,然后再用几句话来解释或论证这个看法,但解释或论证部分与表达看法的那一句并没有明显的连接。初读这类文章仿佛觉得作者东一句西一句,飘忽不定,但实际上作者是假定读者能够跟上他的写作思路,无需用明显的连接词将看法与解释串联起来。这是理解和翻译这类社论文章的难点之一。
8 此处poison用作动词,可译为“毒化”。
9 disbelief and denial译为“不相信和不承认”比较恰当。
10 harnessing self-interest for the public good意思是“使私人利益服务于公益”,这里harness的表面意思是to put a harness on(套上马具或挽具,控制,约束),其义是to control so as to employ the energy or potential power of,如to harness the atom(利用原子的能量)。planner-in-chief指制订经济计划的主要负责人,不妨译为“计划经济大师”。
11 Nowhere are markets deeper and more liquid than强调“没有任何地方的市场能比现代金融市场更有深度,更有流动性”,deeper指“更有深度”,more liquid指“更有流动性”。
12 stumbled字面意思为“绊了一跤”“差点摔倒”,这里比喻市场价格下跌,就像摔了一跤。
13 “大刀破斧”应为“大刀阔斧”。re-regulation指“重新监管”“强化监管”。美国的金融业监管(financial regulation)已经有很长的历史,现在要做的是由原先的放松监管改为强化监管。这里译为“金融改革”过于宽泛,不妥。
14 the Federal Reserve指美国联邦储备银行,它是美国的中央银行,加上“银行”二字意思更为清楚,也符合中文的习惯。
15 Bear Stearns有现成的译名“贝尔斯登公司”,应该译出。
16 译者没有准确理解bail out的意思。bail out确实含有两个相反的意思:一是to abandon a situation; to get out of something,例如:John got tired of school, so he just bailed out.但在这个意思上,经常作为不及物动词短语来使用;二是to rescue someone or something from trouble or difficulty。例如:The proposed law was in trouble, but Senator Todd bailed out the bill at the last minute.这个短语作为及物动词来用。如果仔细读上下文的话,应选择第二个意思,即“救助”的意思。
17 regulatory system不是“调控制度”,而是“监管制度”。
18 “七国集团”已经为大家所熟知,因此不必附上英文G7。
19 Washington, DC译为“华盛顿”即可,在有上下文的情况下,中文里不会产生别的理解。
20 a report on the crisis译为“危机报告”并无大错,但意思模糊,译为“一份关于此次危机的报告”更为清楚。
21 此处应为“监管机构”。
22 It is natural and right讲了两层意思,一是“自然而然”,二是“做得对”,单纯译为“十分有利”并不准确。整句可译为“负责监管的官员正设法汲取教训,这样做很自然,也做得对。”
23 “金融体系”,见注2。
24 “金融监管制度的改革”,见注13。
25 原文作者不相信监管人能取得什么了不起的成就,提醒各国政府认识到这一点。
短文 finance一词的多种含义
• The management of money, banking, investments, and credit.
• (plural) Monetary resources, e.g. ... could not make the purchase because of limited finances.
• The supplying of funds or capital.
vt. financed, financing, finances
• To provide or raise the funds or capital for, e.g. financed a new car.
• To supply funds to, e.g. financing a daughter through law school. (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/finance)
Finance is the science that describes the management, creation and study of money, banking, credit,investments, assets and liabilities. Finance consists of financial systems, which include the public, private and government spaces, and the study of finance and financial instruments, which can relate to countless assets and liabilities. Some prefer to divide finance into three distinct categories: public finance, corporate finance and personal finance. All three of which would contain many sub-categories.
从一般定义中我们能够了解到,finance作为名词,既可指“货币、银行、投资、信用的管理”,也可指“财力”(用复数),另外还可指“提供资金”这种行为本身。在用作动词时,即指“筹集资金”“提供资金”等。从专业定义我们了解到,finance还由多个金融体系组成,也包括对finance这门学科以及各种金融工具的研究。finance可分为三个门类:public finance(公共财政;财政学)、corporate finance(公司金融(学);公司财务)、personal finance(个人财务;个人理财)。
例 1
The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance commended ESCAP for the two groundbreaking resolutions adopted over the preceding two years.副总理兼财政部长赞扬亚太经社会在过去两年里通过了两个开拓性的决议。
Minister of Finance译为“财政部长”。
例 2
The present report has been prepared in response to a request of the Finance Committee at the seventeenth session of the International Seabed Authority.本报告是应财务委员会在国际海底管理局第十七届会议上提出的要求编写的。
Finance Committee在这个组织里译为“财务委员会”,在其他国际组织中有时译为“财政委员会”,甚至译为“金融委员会”,这要依据各组织的具体情况而定,须遵循各组织的习惯。
例 3
A statement was made by the Deputy Chairman, International Monetary and Finance Committee.国际货币和金融委员会副主席做了发言。
例 4
Standing Committee on Finance shall serve the Agreement in line with its functions and responsibilities established under the Conference of the Parties.资金问题常设委员会应按照《公约》缔约方会议确定的该委员会的职能和责任,为《协定》服务。
Standing Committee on Finance由关于气候变化问题的《巴黎协定》所设立。为应对气候变化,发展中国家与发达国家争论的一个关键问题是“资金”问题,不是“金融”,也不是“财务”或“财政”,故这里译为“资金”。
例 5
The reported balance on the SRA does not therefore provide useful information to readers of the financial statements.所报告的特别储备金账户余额并没有为财务报表的读者提供有用信息。
这里用了finance的形容词形式。financial statements译为“财务报表”。
例 6
Parties also highlighted that, without a sustainable means of financing, the ISU will have to drastically reduce its service offerings.缔约国还强调,如果没有可持续的筹资办法,支助股只能大幅减少提供的服务。
例 7
The Committee further notes from the information provided to it that this activity is financed from both the regular budget and extrabudgetary resources.委员会从收到的资料中还注意到,这种活动由经常预算和预算外资源两方面供资。