第3章 国家的形成
3.1 复习笔记
Ⅰ.Norman Rule (1066—1381)
1. William’s Rule (1066—1087)
2. Henry Ⅱ’s Reforms
Ⅱ. The Great Charter and the Beginning of Parliament
1. The Great Charter (1215)
2. The Beginning of Parliament
Ⅲ. The Hundred Years’ War with France (1337—1453)
Ⅳ. The Black Death (1348—1349) and the Peasant Uprising (1381)
Ⅰ.Norman Rule (1066—1381)
1.William’s Rule (1066—1087)
Under William, the feudal system in England was completely established.
①The King owned all the land personally.
②William replaced the Witan with the Grand Council of his new tenants-in-chief.
③William sent his clerks to compile a property record known as Domesday Book.
④William kept the church completely under his control, but at the same time to uphold its power.
2.Henry Ⅱ’s Reforms
Henry Ⅱ was the first king of the House of Plantagenet. Henry Ⅱ took some measures to bring the disorders of King Stephen’s reign to an end.
①He forced the Flemish mercenaries to leave England; strengthened and widened the powers of his sheriffs.
②Henry Ⅱ abolished the annual land tax.
③Henry Ⅱ greatly strengthened the king’s Court and extended its judicial work.
④In Henry Ⅱ’s reign, a common law and private law were gradually established.
Ⅱ. The Great Charter and the Beginning of Parliament
1.The Great Charter (1215)
King John was forced to put his seal to the Charter on June 19, 1215. Magna Carta was a statement of the feudal and legal relationship between the Crown and the barons. The spirit of Magna Carta was the limitation of the powers of the king.
2. The Beginning of Parliament
Simon de Montfort summoned in 1265 the Great Council to meet at Westminster, together with two knights from each county and two burgesses (citizens) from each town, a meeting which has been seen as that of the earliest parliament. The Great Council developed later into the Lords and the Commons known as a parliament.
Ⅲ. The Hundred Years’ War with France (1337—1453)
1. It refers to the intermittent war between France and England that lasted from 1337 to 1453. The causes were partly territorial and partly economic.
2. England and France both won and lost in the war. By 1453 Calais was the only part of France that was still in the hands of the English.
Ⅲ.英法百年战争 (1337—1453)
Ⅳ. The Black Death (1348—1349) and the Peasant Uprising (1381)
1. Black Death reduced England’s population from four million to two million by the end of the 14th century. As a result of the plague, much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage of labor.
2. In 1351 the government issued a Statute of Laborers which made it a crime for peasants to ask for more wages.
3. Armed villagers led by Wat Tyler moved on London in June, 1381, releasing John Ball on the way.
4. Although the Peasant Uprising of 1381 was suppressed, it had far-reaching significance in English history. The rebellion was a truly social one, directed against the rich clergy and the lawyers as well as against the landowners.
2. 1351年,政府颁布了《劳动法》,规定农民索要更高的工资是违法行为。
3. 1381年6月,由瓦特·泰勒领导的武装村民向伦敦出发,途中放走了约翰·保尔。