For most chronic diseases, there exist at least one hidden lesion in addition to the sensible focus that was diagnosed, and the two are directly interrelated. Hidden lesions are usually caused by blockage of peripheral nerves, and they always exist upstream of the path of blood circulation or nerve conduction which directly connects to the tissue or organ where the sensible foci locate and hinder the treatment of the sensible focus. As proved by practice, treating both the hidden lesion and the sensible focus simultaneously can improve the effect of treatment and shorten the course of chronic diseases, so that it is no longer“slow”. Such understanding can only be gained by palpation through repeated practice and validation after years of exploring the treatment of chronic diseases. It is proven that combination of the acupuncture and massage in TCM can effectively eliminate the blockage of peripheral nerve function, gradually restore the neuro – endocrine – immune regulation, and promote the rehabilitation of chronic diseases.