1)Programs can be characterized as interactive or batch and a command interpreter or a Web browser is an example of an interactive program.
2)Structured programming frequently employs a bottom-up design model,in which developers map out separate subsections into the overall program structure.
3)Almost all languages can use structured programming techniques to avoid common pitfalls of unstructured languages.
4)A compiler is a special program that processes statements written in a particular program-ming language and turns them into machine language or“code”that a computer’s processor uses.
5)A compiler works with 3GL and higher-level languages and on programs written using a pro-cessor’s assembler language.
6)Interpreted programs generally don’t run as fast as compiled programs.
7)An interpreter translates high-level instructions into machine language while a compiler translates high-level instructions directly into an intermediate form.
8)C,FORTRAN,or Pascal are considered high-level because they are closer to human lan-guages and further from machine languages.
9)A scripting language is a low-level programming language that is interpreted by another pro-gram at runtime.
10)Scripting languages can be embedded within HTML.
1)A virus is a self-replicating computer program that spreads itself into other programs,often without the knowledge or consent of the computer owner.
2)Google Maps is an interactive program for most smart phones that offers tons of features so you will never have to be lost again.
3)Batch and utility programs typically deal with large amounts of data,often processing the data in a sequential manner.
4)Structured Programming utilizes sequential,selective,and repetitive structures to design programs.
5)C language is a general-purpose programming language that provides code efficiency,ele-ments of structured programming,and a rich set of operators.
6)By compiling before the program executes,the AOT compiler must be conservative about classes,fields,and methods referenced by the code it compiles.
7)If you step through the code you will see that the compiler is very flexible when it creates these methods.
8)Interpreted programs are much slower tnan compiled or assembled ones because a statement must be translated with each execution.
9)In many scripting languages,you don’t have to worry about how memory is managed,but that doesn’t make memory management any less important.
10)The drawback of scripting languages has always been performance.However,scripting lan-guages have distinct advantages,too.
PCs originated as stand-alone___A___,however,in recent years many have been___B___to Local Area Networks(LANs).In a LAN,the data and usually the user application reside on the File Server,a PC running a special Network Operating System(NOS)such as Novell’s NetWare or Microsoft’s LAN Manager.The File Server manages the LAN users’shared access to data on its hard___C___and frequently provides access to other shared resources,such as printers.While a LAN ena-bles users of PC-based databases to share___D___data files,it doesn’t significantly change how the DBMS works;all the actual data___E___is still performed on the PC running the database application.
A~E:①calculating ②common ③connected ④disks ⑤displayed ⑥systems ⑦printers ⑧processing ⑨some ⑩workstations
Some countries have set up programs to try stopping spam,but to ___1___avail.For your history buffs,the word“spam”was originally 2 by Hormel to define a product ___3___is probably best described___4___“mixed meat”in a can.The word was later adopted to___5___inap-propriate and unwanted e-mail sent to early___6___users attempting to generate business for their___7___.That included some infamous first events on the Internet in the___8___1990s,such as solicitations by attorneys and marriage counselors,and the___9___spam became used to describe the efforts of e-mail___10___who were just innocently(or so they thought)just trying to sell you a new pair of skis,or an airplane ticket to Las Vegas.