
A Common Dream of Philatelic Collectors
It has been a long-cherished wish of the Chinese definitive collectors to have a comprehensive illustrated catalogue of New China definitives compiled and published.I remember that I personally forwarded the subject matter at the inaugural session of New China Definitive Study Society in Nanjing on Sept.21,2001.Mr.Li Qiushi is a dedicated man of study,and his hard and diligent work over the past fifteen years has finally made this common dream of fellow-collectors a reality.
New China definitives are classified into three categories,namely,“general regulars(serilized)”,“surcharges/overprints”and “restricted use in northeast and Luda prints”.Definitive stamp is of a regular issue type overriding post corrrespondance,printed in huge quantity,widely used and sold over relatively long period of time and to meet postal need,and additional quantity is printed from time to time,producing a great variety of prints and many rich and colorful settings.Therefore,apart from normal issues,extras,varieties,errors,specimens and unissues emerge continuously to provide collectors with plenty of neverdreamed of collectibles,adding a number of new topics for study,and this is an important factor of why collectors are so deeply attracted to definitives.
Just because there are so many abnormalities of New China definitives,it is extremely difficult to make a detailed list of all kinds of normals and varieites,and this could only rely on people having a determined mind with their particular attention,an accumulaton of materials over a long stretch of time plus considerable investment,careful observation and verification before any exploits are gained.As we all know that the study of definitives is a microscale academic project in philately requiring deep-rooted philatelic skill and experience as well as a spirit of dedication,all the more so a possession of rich stock,a familarity and understanding of all types of definitive stamps.Fortunately,as the editor and author of the Illustrated Catalogue Li Qiushi owns all the abovementioned presumptives.He is a definitive collector,an expert in that,and a thorough knowhow in the field.For more than thirty past years he has been bending on collecting and studying New China definitives.He has compiled collections on the topic and participated stamps shows nationally,internationally and worldly,achieving remarkable results.With his proficient experience and in-depth study,to edite a New China difinitive catalogue becomes to him an easily handled task,like a dam already built where the water would flow.Apart from normals,the rare and scarce items shown in the catalgue are mostly items collected once or still in his collection therefore his judgement on their guniunesness and the estimated copies extant are deemed responsible and authoritative.Since the catalogue is a piece of professinal work,a detailed one on the topic,a high standard is set in the arranggement,selection,classification,description,pricing and print on every and all items are handled with accuracy.This is the major reason why I would like to recommend it to our readers.
The Illustrated Catalogue provides a detailed description of all the aforesaid definitive categories,edited in a practical way for conveninet reference.It is noteworthy that each varitey,extra and some postal covers reflecting postal history are shown in colored life size pictures,and this is not only for easy reference and comparision,but also a recognition and a record of the existence of these items,hence proving that they are of high value in philatelic literature and postal history.The accomplishment of the above is praiseworthy in itself.Each relevant item description is not just a lining up of its basic datum but a rather detailed introduction of its study on the basis of the datum relating to its background,publication,contemporaray post rate,characteristics of print die and rarities extant,in particular,the editor’s unique personal interpretation and his new discoveries in study,presenting an accumulation and a record of history for the relevant philatelic items.No matter an expert or a novice in the field,the reading of the catalogue is like going through one after another academic philatelic theses,receiving considerable enlightment and drawing new idea which is not expected from other catalogues.And this is one more reason why I recommend this catalogue to you.
We usually maintain that the pricing of stamps in editing a catalogue is quite essential.All other datum in any catalogue are fixed(unchanged)yet the price varies(from minutes to hours),because of this,the pricing is the most complicated and the hardest part in editing.In pricing,we do not seek an absolute price of any stamp,but aim at the correctness of proportional pricing from stamp to stamp,and in this lies the key and skill of price fixing.The editor of the Illuatrated Catalogue has a refined mastery of the ups and downs of the pricing,meeting in most cases the stamp’s worth.It can be said that his pricing pulsates with the market trend,so that not only all the absolute price fixing is reasonable,but the relative pricing is also pinpointed after much conscientious and careful market investigation.This is praiseworthy and commendable,again,an important and justified cause for my recommending this catalogue to readers.
It is my whole hearted wish that through reading and taking reference of Li Qiushi’s powerful work piece,the Illustrated Catalogue,an advanced collector reaps more philatelic knowledge and materials,while a beginner given an entry document in definitive philately.
Like a dream coming true,The Illustrated Catalogue of China Definitives(1950-2013)as a piece of powerfulwork bearing important philatelic significance and value in postl history.It has filled a gap in the study of definitives.Being an early collector on the topic,a researcher and promotor in the field,a“teacher”of definitives and a bosum friend to the editor,I have written this preface as requested.

Tang Wuji