表2-196 Johnson-Cook模型参数(一)

表2-197 Power-Law模型参数

NADER ABEDRABBO, ROBERT MAYER, ALAN THOMPSON, et al. Crash response of advanced high-strength steel tubes: Experiment and model [J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2009, 36:1044-1057.
表2-198 Johnson-Cook模型参数(二)

表2-199 Zerilli-Armstrong模型参数

ALAN C THOMPSON. High Strain Rate Characterization of Advanced High Strength Steels [D]. Waterloo:University of Waterloo, 2006.
表2-200 动态力学特性参数

JAMES D WALKER, SCOTT A MULLIN, CARL E WEISS, et al. Penetration of boron carbide, aluminum, and beryllium alloys by depleted uranium rods:Modeling and experimentation [J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2006, 33:826-836.