Lesson 8 You have to eat a lot of fiber when you're constipated.当你便秘时,必须多吃纤维素。
Part 1 Real Life Situation
You find out that your son hasn't pooped in 3 days.You tell him what he should do to fix it.
你发现你的儿子已经便秘3 天了,你告诉他可以怎么调理:
You have to eat a lot of fiber when you're constipated.便秘时,多吃纤维素。
Part 2 Pronunciation and intonation
So,in the sentence,pay attention to the pro-nunciation of these parts.
1.When you say "have to",don't use too much strength on the/v/sound in "have",and weaken "to" to make it/tə/.
1.说 “have to” 时,不要重读“have” 中/v/这个音,“to” 弱读为/tə/。
2.In "a lot of" "of" is reduced to/ə/,with-out the/v/sound.
2.“a lot of” 中,“of” 弱读为/ə/,不要发/v/这个音。
3.Say "you're"/jʊə(r)/differently than"your"/jɔːr/.But when you say them really fast,they both sound more like/jər/.That's why even many native speakers confuse them in writing.
Now,let's focus on tone and intonation.
1.重读 “have” “lot” “fiber” 和“constipated”。
1.Stress "have" "lot" "fiber",and "consti-pated".
2.发 “have” 这个音时要比平时急促,音高应该是整句中最高的。
2.Make the word "have" sound more urgent than usual,the pitch is the highest in the sen-tence.
So,now you know how to say this sentence like a native speaker.
Part 3 My explanation
The first expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第1个表达是
You have to ( do something)你必须 (做某事)
This is a very straightforward way to give someone advice.You use this phrase when you definitely know more about something than the people who are listening.
A:I've never eaten that before.Do you eat it raw?(我以前从没吃过这个,你是要生吃吗?)
B:No,you have to cook it.(不,必须煮熟。)
The bottom line is that you have to reduce your calorie intake to lose weight.
You can also use"You have to________" when you're excited about something and you want to share it.
当你对某件事情很感兴趣并想要分享时,也可以使用 “You have to________”。
You have to try this!It's delicious!你必须得尝下这个!太好吃了!
If you use "You have to________" to share an opinion,you might come across as rude.There-fore,don't use this phrase when giving friends ad-vice about their relationships,job.
如果你使用 “You have to________” 来表达意见,可能会听起来有一些粗鲁。所以,在向朋友提出有关他们的感情、工作等方面的建议时,请不要使用此短语。
The second expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第2个表达是
eat fiber吃纤维素
"Fiber"is something that's contained in certain
“纤维素” 是某些食物中含有的
foods.It's a part of a plant that your body can't di-gest.Some foods that contain fiber include:
Fiber is supposed to be good for you be-cause it keeps your digestion regular.In other words,when you eat plenty of fiber,you use the bathroom at normal times each day.
When you're talking about food,you can say that something "has fiber".
Beans have a lot of fiber.豆类含有丰富的纤维素。
The third expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第3个表达是
( someone) is constipated(某人) 便秘
When someone has trouble with making bowel movements (pooping),they are constipated.When you're constipated,you don't poop as often as usual.
"Constipated" is an adjective:
He's constipated.他便秘了。
The noun form of "constipated" is "constipa-tion".
“constipated” 的名词形式是“constipation”。
One of the side effects of the medicine she takes is constipation.
We use this word when talking to a doctor or nurse,and also when talking about this condition in regular conversation.