Lesson 18 She kind of perked up when I mentioned Hannah's name.每当我提起汉娜时,她就变得活跃起来。
Part 1 Real Life Situation
Your dog has another neighborhood dog that she's friends with.You set up a time with your neigh-bor for the dogs to play together.Your dog was ex-cited about it when you came.
You're telling this about your neighbor:
She kind of perked up when I mentioned Hannah's name.
Part 2 Pronunciation and intonation
So,in the sentence,pay attention to the pro-nunciation of these parts.
1.In "kind of",be sure to leave out the/v/in"of",just make it sound like "kinda"/ˈkaində/.
1.在 “kind of” 中,“of” 中的/v/不发音,读的时候听起来要像“kinda”/ˈkaində/。
2.In"perked up"/pɜːktʌp/,make sure to link/t/and/ʌ/.
2.在读 “perked up”/pɜːktʌp/时,/t/和/ʌ/一定要连读。
3."When I" is naturally linked,too.
3.“when I” 也要自然连读。
4."Mentioned" is pronounced without the/d/sound.
4.“mentioned” 中/d/不 发音。
5.Please,do not add the/r/sound at the end of "Hannah".
5.注意,“Hannah” 结尾处不要加上/r/的音。
Now,let's focus on tone and intonation.
1.These parts are stressed:"up" "name".
1.重读 “up” “name”。
2.Remember to stress the last word in a phrasal verb:"perk up" "go out" "sit down".
2.短语 “perk up” “go out”“sit down” 中的最后一个词重读。
3.Say it with a little laughter and surprise,be-cause you are talking about a funny behavior of your3.说这句话时要带一点儿喜悦和惊奇的语气,因为你正在讲述自beloved pet.
Now,practice,and you will learn to say this sentence like a native speaker.
Part 3 My explanation
The first expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第1个表达是
( someone) perked up(某人) 激动起来
When someone suddenly sees or hears something that interests them,they "perk up".They open their eyes more and pay closer atten-tion to what's happening.
当某人突然看到或听到令他们感兴趣的东西时,他们会 “perk up”(激动起来)。他们会睁大眼睛,更密切地关注正在发生的事情。
You might in a conversation when someone talks about a topic that you're interested in.
在和别人交谈时,当有人谈论你感兴趣的话题时,你可能会 “perk up” (激动起来)。
The second expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第2个表达是
mention ( something)提及 (某事)
This means to talk about something briefly.E-ven if a person says only a few words about a top-ic,that would be considered "mentioning" that topic.Other words like "say" "talk about",etc.sound like they require a longer period of discus-sion.
它的意思是简单地谈论某事。即使一个人对一个话题只提到了几句话,也会被认为是 “mentioning” 了这个话题。其他词像 “say” “talk about”等,表达的含义是需要更长的时间来讨论。
You can use "mention" with a simple noun.
你可以把 “mention” 和一个简单的名词连用。
Did she mention me in the article?她在文章中提到我了吗?
Or you can use a dependent clause:
Did he mention where he was going?他说他要去哪了吗?
You can also use the structure:
你也可以使用固定结构 mention (doing something) (提到做某事)
He mentioned going to the gym earlier in the day.他提到今天早些时候要去健身房。
The third expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第3个表达是
kind of ( do something)有点儿 (做某事)
"Kind of" means "a little" or "somewhat".All of these words are most commonly used before an adjective.
Kind of意为 “一点儿” 或 “有点儿”,通常用在形容词前。
I feel kind of obligated to go.我觉得有义务去。
You look a little sick.Are you OK?你看起来有点儿不舒服。你还好吗?
It's somewhat smaller than I thought it would be.它比我想象的要小一些。
But only "kind of" sounds right before a verb,and only in casual conversation.
但只有 “kind of” 用在动词前是对的,而且只能在日常对话中使用。
I kind of wanted to go with them.我有点儿想和他们一起去。
We want to move,but we're kind of waiting for him to finish school.我们想搬家,但我们有点儿想等他毕业后再搬。
People sometimes pronounce "kind of" in a way that sounds like "kinda".
有时 “kind of” 的发音听起来像“kinda”。