4.2 Equipment Foundation
4.2.1 Before the installation of equipment,foundation acceptance inspection shall be made,and only after the foundation is qualified can equipment be installed.
4.2.2 The appearance of equipment foundation shall be inspected and oil dirt,water and other contaminations on its surface and in the holes reserved for anchor bolts shall be removed thoroughly;threads and nuts of buried anchor bolts shall be kept in good condition.
4.2.3 Actual measurement inspection shall be carried out for equipment foundation and the center line,elevation,dimension,locations of anchor bolts and reserved openings shall be in accordance with requirements of the design documents and the stipulations of current national standard GB 50204 Code for Construction Quality Acceptance of Concrete Structure Engineering.
4.2.4 There shall be measuring data for foundation and the data shall be handed over.
4.2.5 The layout drawing for center line and elevation benchmark shall be made,and the central standard plate and elevation benchmark shall be set up.The permanent central standard plate and elevation benchmark shall be embedded for the main equipment and continuous production equipment.