This code are developed according to the requirements specified in the Notice of the Information Industry Ministry Concerning Arrangement of Plan for Revision and Development of Communication Engineering Construction Standards(XBGH〔2004〕No.508).
This code mainly cover approach of raw materials and products into the site,welding engineering,process engineering of steel parts and steel components,anti-corrosion engineering,installation engineering of tower and mast steel structure,and check and acceptance of structure for mobile communication steel tower and mast,etc.
The provisions printed in bold type are compulsory one(ones)and must be enforced strictly.
The Comprehensive Planning Department of the Information Industry Ministry is responsible for interpreting this code and supervising their execution.If any supplementation or modification is needed during the implementation,please contact the Comprehensive Planning Department of the Information Industry Ministry,and send supplementation and modification opinions to the Comprehensive Planning Department of the Information Industry Ministry(address:No.13,West Chang'an Avenue,Beijing,postcode:100804).
Chief Development Organization:
Huaxin Consulting Co.,Ltd
Participating Development Organization:
Guangdong Planning and Designing Institute of Telecommunications Co.,Ltd
Chief Drafting Staff:
Lu Hao Yin Xiaoxia
Major Participants:
Xie Yushan Xu Shaowei