1 General Provisions
1.0.1 This code is formulated with a view to ensure the installation quality of hard busbar,soft busbar,metal-enclosed busbar,gas-insulated and metal-enclosed busbar,insulator,metal ware,wall bushing and other devices,to promote the advancement of installation technology and to safeguard the operation of electric equipment.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to construction and acceptance of busbar equipment installation engineering at 750kV or lower.
1.0.3 The installation of busbar shall be carried out in accordance with the approved design documents.
1.0.4 The transportation and storage of equipment and apparatus shall be complied with the specification of this code.As products have other special requirements,they shall also be complied with the technical documents of these products.
1.0.5 The storage duration of equipment and apparatus prior to installation shall be less than one year.If longer duration is necessary,the requirements on storage of the equipment and apparatus shall be complied with the documents of the products.
1.0.6 The chosen equipment and apparatus shall be complied with to current relative national standards.Qualification certificate and nameplate shall be provided.
1.0.7 Inspection shall be carried out upon the equipments and apparatus arrival at the site.They shall be complied with the specification as the follows:
1 The packaging and sealing shall be well.
2 Inspection shall be carried with opening the package,and type and quantity of products shall be complied with design requirements,and accessories and spare parts shall be complete.
3 Technical documents shall be well.
4 Appearance shall be well.
1.0.8 Construction project shall be complied with specification of this code and current relative national standards for safety and technical standards and,the requirements of product technical documents.
1.0.9 Building engineering construction for busbar installation shall be complied with the following specifications:
1 The quality of buildings and structures related with busbar installation shall be complied with the current national standard GB 50300 Unified Standard for Constructional Quality Acceptance of Building Engineering.When there are other special requirements,it is also necessary to be complied with these requirements.
2 The building project shall be complied with the following requirements prior to the installation of busbar:
1)Foundation and structural frame shall be complied with design requirements for electric equipment.
2)Construction of roof and floor slabs shall be without any leakage.
3)Indoor floor construction has been completed.Screeding elevation shall be marked on the wall.
4)The foundation and structural frame shall be strong enough for electric equipment installation.The scaffold board,railings,stairs and platform of high-rise structure shall be complete and secure.
5)Decoration works that might damage or be obstructed by installed busbar shall have been finished.
6)The doors and windows have been installed.Construction road is unobstructed.
7)Reserved holes and pre-buried pieces for installing the busbar shall be complied with design requirements.
3 After busbar installation and before it is put into operation,the construction project shall be complied with the following requirements:
1)Pre-buried pieces,holes,expanded holes and other decorative works have been completed.
2)Protective nets,railings and all devices isolated from the energized parts shall be completed.
3)Iterms that will be obstructed by the energized equipment or will influence the safety of its operation shall been completed.
4)Construction facilities shall have been removed and the site shall have been cleaned.
1.0.10 The fasteners used for busbar shall be galvanized or stainless products shall be complied with current national standards.The outdoor tightening pieces shall be hot galvanized products.
1.0.11 The ceramic components for insulators and wall bushing shall be complied with current national standard GB/T 772 Technical Specifications of Porcelain Element for High Voltage Insulators and relevant specifications in this respect.
1.0.12 The structural metal parts and metal ware for fixing single phase AC busbar shall not form closed magnetic circuit.
1.0.13 In addition to this standard,the construction and acceptance of busbar device shall also be complied with other relevant current national standards.