Meeting the Pioneers
We predict that you will enjoy learning more about the seven people who are pushing Spatial Computing further in Chapter 11, Spatial Computing World-Makers. Instead of ratcheting through a list, we'd like to tell you why we picked the people here. One spends time in retail stores the world over and uses technology to help them become not only more profitable, but more customer-centric. Another developed Google's autonomous vehicle technology and has gone on to further build out a huge vision of the future of transportation. You'll meet one leader who, from their perch at Qualcomm, sees literally every new product coming before the rest of us do. Also on the list are a couple of investors, one East Coast, one West, who are pouring resources into entrepreneurs who are bringing us the future of virtual beings, robots and the AI that runs them. Finally, we have a doctor who is pushing the healthcare system forward into a world of Augmented and Virtual Reality and a successful innovator who builds companies that have immersiveness and VR at their core. We picked them out of the thousands that we've studied because they represent a guiding hand that will bring "superpowers" to us all.