Attached properties
Another way to implement behaviors in order to modify default control behavior is to use attached properties to declare a bindable extension to existing controls. This approach is generally used for small behavioral adjustments, such as enabling/disabling other behaviors, as well as adding/removing effects. Let's get started:
- In order to implement such a behavior, we need to create a bindable property that will be used on other controls:
public static class Validations
public static readonly BindableProperty ValidateRequiredProperty =
propertyChanged: OnValidateRequiredChanged);
public static bool GetValidateRequired(BindableObject view)
return (bool)view.GetValue(ValidateRequiredProperty);
public static void SetValidateRequired(BindableObject view,
bool value)
view.SetValue(ValidateRequiredProperty, value);
private static void OnValidateRequiredChanged(
BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object
// TODO:
- In the case of attached behaviors, the static class can be directly accessed so that it sets the attached property on the current control (instead of creating and adding a behavior):
<Entry x:Name="usernameEntry" Placeholder="username"
Text="{Binding UserName, Mode=OneWayToSource}"
behaviors:Validations.ValidateRequired="true" >
- By implementing the ValidateRequired property changed handler, we can have the attached property insert and remove the required validation to various Entry views:
private static void OnValidateRequiredChanged(
BindableObject bindable,
object oldValue,
object newValue)
if(bindable is Entry entry)
if ((bool)newValue)
entry.Behaviors.Add(new ValidationBehavior()
ValidationRule = new RequiredValidationRule()
var behaviorToRemove = entry.Behaviors
item => item.ValidationRule is
if (behaviorToRemove != null)