What this book covers
Chapter 1, Refreshing the Basics, introduces the building blocks that facilitate the writing of Swift code: classes, structs, enums, functions, and closures. Those basics are essential to the Swift language and for successfully applying efficient design patterns and best practices.
Chapter 2, Understanding ARC and Memory Management, describes the particular memory management strategy Swift uses. From its origins in Objective-C, during the pre-ARC era, to today, we'll discover how to properly manage our memory and object life cycles.
Chapter 3, Diving into Foundation and the Swift Standard Library, discusses the powerful framework that comes with Swift. Alongside basic data structures such as arrays and dictionaries, it also comes with a fully featured concurrency management abstraction library (GCD), a full modern networking API (URLSession), and many more features besides.
Chapter 4, Working with Objective-C in a Mixed Code Base, covers the basics of interoperability, nullability, naming conventions, and lightweight generics, as well as the common pitfalls to avoid when bringing Objective-C code to Swift.
Chapter 5, Creational Patterns, dives into the traditional creational design patterns. Examples of Singleton, Abstract Factories, Prototype, Factory, and Builder are shown by means of detailed use cases.
Chapter 6, Structural Patterns, explores the most popular structural patterns, starting with the adapter pattern. We'll follow that up with implementing decorators, facades, and proxies, and finish with exploring composite, bridge, and flyweight patterns.
Chapter 7, Behavioral Patterns, shows patterns that identify common communication strategies between different entities. We'll see examples of the state pattern, observer/observable, memento, visitor, and the strategy pattern.
Chapter 8, Swift-Oriented Patterns, presents patterns peculiar to Swift. After introducing protocol programming, it shows how to implement the classic template pattern using protocol programming. Finally, it shows the type erasure pattern, a powerful tool for mastering generics.
Chapter 9, Using the Model-View-Controller Pattern, explores some best practices and decoupling strategies to keep the view controllers as lean as they should be. The classic Model View Controller pattern is discussed, as are other popular controllers available in UIKit and AppKit.
Chapter 10, Model-View-ViewModel in Swift, explores an extension of MVC, the Model-View-ViewModel pattern. MVVM is a very popular and flexible pattern that avoids the "bloated view controller" effect.
Chapter 11, Implementing Dependency Injection, covers the different flavors of dependency injection and examines how each can solve a particular set of problems in real-world scenarios.
Chapter 12, Futures, Promises, and Reactive Programming, discusses how to solve the most common asynchronous code problems. It explores futures and promises as an encapsulation of work being done. Finally, it provides an overview of signals and reactive programming.
Chapter 13, Modularize Your Apps with Swift Package Manager, shows how Swift Package Manager can power your workflow and keep your project in check, all while increasing the modularity and maintainability of your code base.
Chapter 14, Testing Your Code with Unit and UI Tests, shows how to write unit tests, what they are, what you should look for, and how to get started with testability. The chapter on dependency injection concludes with a presentation of the different types of test doubles to test in isolation, along with an introduction to UI testing.
Chapter 15, Going Out in the Open (Source), discusses the steps required before you can put your project in the open, documenting the source code with Jazzy, using continuous integration with Travis, and automating release with Fastlane.