Building  Large-Scale Web Applications with Angular

Organizing code

The advantage of Angular CLI is that is dictates a code organization structure that works for applications of all sizes. Here is how the current code organization looks:

  • trainer is the application root folder.
  • The files inside trainer are configuration files and some standard files that are part of every standard node application.
  • The e2e folder will contain end to end tests for the app.
  • src is the primary folder where all the development happens. All the application artifacts go into src.
  • The assets folder inside src hosts static content (such as images, CSS, audio files, and others).
  • The app folder has the app's source code.
  • The environments folder is useful to set configurations for different deployment environments (such as dev, qa, production).

To organize Angular code inside the app folder, we take a leaf from the Angular style guide ( released by the Angular team.