Remix in a nutshell
So, what is this remix? In simple words, it is a browser-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for writing smart contracts in Solidity. It has an integrated compiler, a runtime virtual environment without any server-side component, an integrated debugger, an integrated testing environment, and a static code analysis tool. Previously, it used to be called Browser-Solidity. It can not only simulate a blockchain, but also highlights syntax and errors, hosts multiple Solidity files, and deploys contracts along with visible byte codes and application binary interface (ABI), of which details can be found in later chapters.
However, I promised less theory and more hands-on in this chapter. So, let us now jump into an increment and decrement contract. Please note that there are more professional ways to deploy contracts using geth and MIST, which we will look at in detail in the last section. Right now, we will concentrate more on some quick-and-dirty basic smart contracts using Solidity on remix.