[词语]to polish the apple
[趣释]【物事喻指】20世纪初,美国有些小学生为了巴结老师,常在老师的讲台上放一只擦得铮亮的苹果。学生最初的动机是出于对老师的尊敬,后来变成讨好、奉承,希望老师对他们不要过于严厉,考试时放他们一马。用擦亮的苹果来讨好老师,在美国后来成为中小学的普遍现象,高年级大一点的学生花样就更多,他们不仅以此来应付老师,还包括应付与自己有利害关系的学校的其他人员,甚至自己的长辈。久而久之,社会上的一般人也借用这一说法:用“擦苹果”(to polish apple)来喻指奉承、讨好、拍马屁;用“擦苹果者”(apple polisher)来喻指奉承拍马者,巴结讨好上司的人。后来,还发展到用“给老师的苹果”(a apple for the teacher)来喻指对上级的奉承、讨好或贿赂。
[运用]Susan is the teacher's pet because she always polishes the apple。苏珊是老师的宝贝,因为她经常讨好老师。
That's probably an apple for the teacher, and best not accepted. If we do decide to put his son in the team we don't want anybody to say it was favouritism. 这很可能是一种贿赂,最好不要接受。如果我们决定把他的儿子选入球队,那就要让人家说这是一种不公正的交易。
He is promoted very quickly because he is good at polishing the apple. 他善于拍马屁,所以升迁很快。
In order to get the promotion, she kept apple-polishing the manager. 为了升迁,她一直拍经理的马屁。