8.2 Welder Examination
8.2.1 All welders shall pass technical examinations on welding as specified in DL/T 679 to obtain the certificates.All certified welders shall be engaged in welding as per the applicable scope of items for which they are qualified.
The examination shall comply with the following:
1 The specimen in the examination shall be consistent with the welded absorber in respects of joint type,welding method,welding position and material etc.
2 In addition to submerged arc welding on flat or horizontal positions,all welders engaged in submerged arc welding practices are also subject to examinations for manual arc welding on flat positions.
3 All welders engaged in electric/gas welding on vertical positions shall pass examinations for the vertical welding of plate-shaped specimens.
4 All specimens are subject to visual inspection,radiographic examination and cold-bending testing.In the case of radiographic examination,the results will be acceptable if they meet the criteria that are more stringent or equivalent to those for grade II as specified in JB 4730.
8.2.2 Welders may be engaged in the welding of the absorber on some positions as appropriate,if they have passed the examination as per the Examination Rules for Welders Specializing in Boilers and Pressure Vessels,and have obtained the certificates issued by the related authority for the specific steel type,group and specimen category code.No further examinations are required for these welders.